Smash your ‘I’ dol

Even if he was equal to God and he was God, the son of God humbled himself to be the Son of Man so as to save all men and women — contained in him — from eternal hellish humiliation. In the body of a man called Jesus, the omnipotent God subjected himself to the insult of pleading with men to rule over men and women. The sufferings of Christ on the cross, crowned with thorns, crowned his self willed humiliation to rebirth our spirits. In light of this fact, people who are filled with the same Holy spirit that was in Jesus Christ, should expose the self centred culture of people fiercely toiling and fighting for their own reputations and happiness. If God, whose joy is our strength, can subject himself to be the ultimate insult — who was completely insulted by humans yet he forgave them all — who is so special as to be shielded from ridicule and torment?

Christians have no option but to be so tenderhearted that we naturally love our enemies. However, this doesn’t mean we flatter them that everything they say, do, dance or sing is special. We must tell them the truth in love not love them at all costs, even with untruths. Truth is the revealation of Christ in anything. “One plus one equals two” (and any other logical statement) becomes a lie if it tries to belittle the reality of the Trinity found in Jesus Christ. God, who is life, has made us HEIGHT, LENGTH and WIDTH which live in the PRESENT that originates from the PAST and is destined for the FUTURE. Time and physical dimensions exalt the Triune God. Any quote, any song, any poem, any article, any report, any plan, any art which misleads anyone from Jesus is therefore a damning hoax.

Lies are always clever, exciting and pleasing to the physical senses. Therefore, rudeness from non Christian — sensual — people is a natural manifestation of the demonic rudeness they have towards the Holy Spirit. Through intuitions, impressions, dreams and visons, God who is now on earth ever convicts everyone of sin, rightousness and judgment — yet most people, especially ‘funny people’, dismiss him as just a nagging feeling to become safe but boring. If Christians are really spiritually sensitive, they should be more concerned about the insults and rejection people are daily volleying towards God than those which they exchange between each other or direct towards Christians.

Essentially, insults are divinely sanctioned to test the level of our self centredness. The God who we constantly still humiliate by our indifference to him does not insult us but he allows insults to come our way so as to make us understand him. Jesus told his disciples to expect and rejoice when trials and tribulations come on their way for HIS NAME’S SAKE. Therefore, the devil has a divine permit to completely insult everyone into suicidal despair so as to exalt this fortunate fact: Jesus gifts anyone who totally yields to him the privilege to be insulted for his name’s sake, whereby if anyone derides you for loving Jesus, the insults are not only of no effect but they turn against the hater until he or she eventually confesses that Jesus Christ is truly Lord. The persecution of the Church indirectly won many persecutors to Christ.
God rewards the Christ like person for indirectly giving a blasphemer the chance of painfully understanding the invincible beauty of Jesus.

We have to be so selfless that people only perceive Jesus in us such that if they distaste our personality they would be distasting Jesus. If someone dislikes you for you being just you, you deserve the despising. Without Jesus Christ — who washes away all our disgusting sinful natures — the prettiest, richest or wisest person is filthy and useless rubbish. Therefore, unless someone is being insulted because he has exalted the name of Jesus, God cannot help them. Infact the loving provider will permit the insults to pile up against the person until he or she cries in surrender for the only holy saviour Jesus Christ is.

Jesus commands: daily deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me. Self is reputation. The cross is not a crucifix but the ultimate form of humiliating torture. Therefore, all men and women were only born to daily torture and humiliate their egos and self images. Paul, so as to internalize the excellency that was in Christ, daily counted everything worthy he thought he was as dung — naturally, he was talking about his self reputation and image. In the same manner, anyone who wants to experience the freedom, love and clarity of mind which can only be found in Jesus Christ must consciously consider his or her own life as ever freshening feaces and ever vommitting vommit which only Jesus transforms into soothing sweet Gold.

In daily abasing our worldly honour and comfort, we partake of God’s nature. When you literally consider your body as rough or cute or aging or soft or supple or young or breath taking feaces, you are not being masochistic. This natural body is dying and when dead, will ultimately become manure or fertilizer. This is why God, who is truth, proclaims that no flesh will glory in his presence as his presence is infinitely too precious to pamper and exalt the withering body. God himself is daily insulted, dismissed and belittled because of his invisible nature. When we deride our visible beauty so as to exalt our inner born again glory, we conform to the nature of God. Our messiah has deliberately made himself unseen — thus rationally, nothing — so as to exalt the invisible everything he is.

When people gossip or have pity or criticize your physical achievments, remember they have, by not discerning the perfect work of Christ in you, hated God more than they have hated you. Carnal minded people praise or fault outer looks, achievments and posessions; the Christian inspects whether anyone has or doesn’t have Christ like talking, gazing, listening, smelling and imagining. A person who has wholly embraced Christ must faultfind wrongdoers but only to offer Jesus to the one who has the error of not completely soaking themselves with this invincible messiah. We must completely forgive and restore repentant evildoers even if we don’t compromise with their sins.

However, we cannot offer Jesus to anyone who is not deeply offended by his or her sin. Many Christians, fearful of offending humans, refuse to please God by repeatedly persistently convicting people of their sins. The Joy of the Lord, which is our strength, is only possible when sinners are disgusted by their Christ less nature. Rejection, despair, loneliness and every other nasty emotion is infact the perfect opportunity to know God. “This is less than zero percent of how God is always feeling when people reject and offend Jesus Christ,” you should tell yourself when you are rejected even for your own self centred agendas. We love God by understanding or completely empathizing with his emotions.

God is love; but he is not just happy and partying. Love is not pleasure; hate is not pain. If you love anyone, you empathize with that someone at all costs. Because we are not omniscient, our conception of loving anyone is simply a joke. This is why any man who is not in Jesus can never love any woman; and any woman who is not in Jesus can never love any man. Christ even gifts lovers who have wholly submitted to him telepathic chemistry. Even if they are seperated by miles, true romantic lovers — only found in Christ — even have the same thoughts at the same time.

Therefore, Christians should review all their dissapointments in what they thought was ‘true love’. First of all, even if you are now infatuating or having a crush on someone you can’t have, you should keep in mind that the rejection resultant from being jilted is nothing when compared to how God feels when people reject him second after second. Second of all, if you have ever been heartbroken you should realize the heartbreak is a gift from God so as to make you understand his eternal heartbroken nature.

Jesus is refusing to connect Christians who are even engaged because they are full of demons of lust and idolatry. The passionate affection many Christians have towards each other is not Holy Romance but an obsession with the pleasure of each other’s presence, gazes and touches. Most of these emotions are self gratifying appetites, thus demonic dispositions. Therefore, in most cases of being jilted, Jesus allows demons of lust and idolatry in bodies of both courting couples to openly manifest; so as to warn the ‘lovers’ of the danger they are heading to in marriage. In marriage, these self centred spirits would utilize sexual communion to grow from dwarfs into giants or from moles into mountains.

If you have ever been heartbroken before being married, this was a wake up call for you to purge yourself of demonic romance. What is demonic romantic passion? It is the fit of thirsting for a human being so much that you feel as if you should die if you can’t enjoy his or her embraces and acceptance. Nobody is more comforting than the omnipresent omnipotent Holy Spirit. A person with Satanic ‘love’ treats a man or woman he or she is attracted to as a seasonal piece of meat to satisfy a lust for companionship, acceptance and pleasure; Holy Romance draws you to the eternal image of God and presence of the Holy Spirit in the man or woman you are attracted to.

Essentially, perfect and true romance loves the character of Jesus in a man or a woman you want to spend your life with. Jesus is an omnipresent human spirit who has overflowing compassion. He can manifest his ‘omnisensitive’ empathy in men or women in different but refreshing natures. Lovers who are full of the Holy Spirit patiently surrender themselves to each other. If you are drawn to the presence of Christ in your lover, you would enjoy infinite forgiveness, humility and self sacrifice.

Also, true romantic lovers exalt the beauty of the cross in their sexual affections. The Cross of Jesus Christ is an eye opener to this fact: God creates, recreates and sustains all things by the violent, humiliating paining of his own nerves. Every romantic gaze emanates from the blood letting excruciating migraines of God. Every passionate kiss, touch and caress emanates from the bruising, smashing, lashing and nailing of God’s essence. When true romantics embrace each other, they simultaneously keep in mind how God ruthlessly sacrifices himself to enable their passionate embrace.

Before, during and after sex, true romantics, remember that God excruciatingly bleeds to enable blood to pump in their brain, kidney, spine and genitals; God achingly pains to enable them to be passionately aroused; in him we move, breath and have our being. Copulation therefore becomes a point of internalizing the selflessness of their maker. God does not have grudges when painfully giving himself so as to make us enjoy all body actions, including sex. Thus, acknowledging this spiritual secret is not a guilty trip but a wake up call to husbands and wives to be careful about their sexual energies. Everyone boasts ‘No pain No Gain,” in exalting their hardwork. Yet the miracle of life, which nobody else but God can produce, is presumed to just happen. There is no gain of comfort — including sex — without the paining of God’s nerves.

God must be exalted in all our pains and pleasures. The frustration of wanting to connect with someone in vain, Jesus has been pointing out to me, should make me amazed by the lovingkindness of God. The best affections of the best person on earth is hate when it is compared to God’s pure and perfect love. Our love is easily irritated and offended whereas God’s unconditional love is beyond human comprehension. Jesus has no right to be frustrated by anyone, yet even the best of us constanly reject, wound and grieve him. Our weeping, our sorrows, our rejections, our despair, should not go to waste but be a point of understanding God.

When we lose someone who was not born again, God aches and pains infinite times the hearbreak we feel. Our godly tears for the salvation of souls are precious in his sight because they identify with God’s own eternal weeping, dissapointment and despair over lost souls. The devil wants us to misuse our sorrows and feel sorry for ourself. Empty grace messages are misleading people to avoid pain and rejection at all the costs. God wants us to experience humiliation, pain and loneliness not to quickly invoke the name of Jesus so as to feel good. We must despair and sorrow so as to have true insight when saying, “Now I understand why every human soul — which is very precious in God’s sight — should never eternally wound him by rejecting the perfect love he is .”

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