Baptism: Testing in the Father, Son and Spirit(Part Three)


If you insist that salvation is sealed through water baptism, you become carnal. This sensuality will breed covetousness, breeding stinginess. Self centredness will thereafter bite and reside in your guts, making you stink with murmuring. Ultimately, you would be paralyzed to worship. When connecting with Jehovah, we reciprocate our spirits to him, who is the source of all comfort. If you are full of grumbling, you cannot give anything, let alone yourself.

Therefore, Christians who have a warped perspective of baptism are almost being spit out of the mouth of Christ. They are disgusting. Instead of yielding all they are to God, they ever beg him to stop being stingy so as to shower on them the physical blessings and successes everyone else is enjoying. ‘Saints’ have simply become beasts wounded with jealousy. They pray with tears for any breakthrough except for hearts and minds that love their creator at all costs.

Covetuosness is idolatry; it essentially murders God in the heart so as to exalt the coveted thing or person as ‘dearest’. And only perfect love, activated in your daily baptism in Christ, can cast out all your fear. Self centred panic is behind all hoarding, especially trying to control God — as he is everything.
Essentially, pastors who sell ‘divine favours’ are fear filled frauds whose tricks are rituals, especially water baptism.

Humans are not smart smooth skinned meats; we are imaginative emotions flowing from an ‘omnisensitive’ Provider of everything. During our conception in the womb, the Trinity poured a personality — from the infinite individualities contained in him — into the natures of our physical fleshly parents. But because of obeying Satan, all the humanity that is in God is potentially as evil as demons, followers of Lucifer’s rebellion. Essentially the holy God, after the the Garden of Eden had to ever carry wickedness waiting to happen.

The cross of Christ reversed this burden of God. All the pain of our maker of ever producing rebels was relieved by the obedience of Jesus. Thus anyone now alive only exists to be reborn by the Holy Spirit in the name or personality of Jesus — which is the renewing nature of the most high God. And we live and breath because of his rejuvenating power, which renews our cells, but only for a season.

Evil spirits ever deform into monsters because, unlike Adam and Eve who didn’t know that they were sinning, fallen angels intentionally insulted the only sustainer of their forms. The one third of angels grasped Jehovah’s never ending mercy. It was so liberating that they intended to forever misuse it. By ever forgiving them, God would be submitting to the angels; therefore, Satan theorized, by being impudent, he would be as significant as his maker; an irritation becomes an obsession which ends up being an adoration.

Satanism is the spirit of being special by hurting a person who does not want to lose you. It is the insolence spoiled children have towards their parents. As a perfect parent also chastises his children, the stubborn kid brands any upbraiding as hate. Essentially, Lucifer was telling Jehovah, “Because you are all loving, you should forgive me for anything I do.” Satan resolved to be the never ending shitting which God forever cleans up.

But as the will of God is pure, untainted by threats or bribes, Lucifer was already a mess when he resolved to rebel. Arrogance is weakness, and thus the devil should have never trusted himself once he lost his humility. When proud, the most stunning Cherubim started dimming, wrinkling, rusting and has never stopped this disentegrating. This is why demons are grotesque and frankly very stupid — if compared to their original wisdom. Therefore, we should run away from any evil. When we entertain pride and lust, we should be as tormented and deforming as demons. By taking on Satan’s character, we deserve his destiny; our aging is a warning to us to spurn our true essence (demonic) so as to be redeemed by the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, the recreative process in our body is a reflection of how Jehovah’s mercy exists as an opportunity to discover that omnipotence means ‘omni-empathy’. Lucifer thought that his maker pardons because he has to correct the mistakes he couldn’t help to prevent. In reality, any error is an illusion; As God is omnipresent, even his absence in any place is a big mirage. Therefore, even the sense of being disconnected from Jehovah is a formidable hoax. Independence is the greatest fraud in the universe as there is no living you can have when you are seperated from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

This is why even loneliness is a joke. People who are desperate to be accepted are worshiping a lie. When you feel forsaken, you are just tasting an eternal hoax which your maker has allowed to exist so as to prove that we should never even be intimidated by any pain. Because God exists, any nastiness is an illusion he must allow to manifest to the uttermost; he is not afraid of anything that is opposite of who he is as it is essentially nothing. That is why Jehovah means, “I am I am”.

This reality that is the Trinity rejuvenates humans with his own nature to save us from quickly transforming into beasts. Our bodies point out that our souls need repair, and this is only during our time on earth. Only when we are limited in our bodies can we refine our will. When you die, you are a super human, even if you end up in hell. Damned souls are now sure that God is excellent as they themselves can be ever burned without burning. But on earth, they were insolent asking, “Who has ever seen anyone doing any miracle? Why should we then believe that there exists a person who has created this big earth from himself?”

Essentially, your body is a big lie you are putting on. This is why Jesus urges its daily denial and crucifixion. The period between our birth and our death is a divine gift for us to resist the fraud that are our flesh, and this mostly concerns the sweetness of our meat — eating, copulating and showing off. By abasing our sensuality everyday, we discover God’s mercy in our existence so as to surrender ourself back to him. This is because when he commands us to only love him, our Father wants us to ever ask, ‘why?’. We were born to be baptized into Jesus — so as to forever discover the never ending reasons we were divinely fashioned and are being renewed.

The unprovoked will of the Lord of Lords baptizes his eternal breath into a mingled sperm and ova to form an embryo. This honours Adam and Eve. Adam was a cute dead shell until the breath of the omnipotent creator blew life into him. Thereafter, Eve was divided out of her husband. That is why all children are the mingling of a man and a woman. However, only our eternal soul, which only God produces, powers the human body. Therefore, God surrenders us to our parents as a test. The best respect you can show your parents is to call Jesus, “My only Father and mother.”

If you cling to your biological heritage, you condemn yourself to hell. God demands that we even forsake our mothers so as to only love him as our source. And our progenitors must also do the same. No one is too adult to be a child of God as he is the ancient (origin) of days. Also, our life, as manifested in the cyclical ecosystem, is reciprocal; therefore, it is natural that our spirits, baptized in the natures of our human parents, must use our earthly existence to purge ourself out of our biological hereditary — so as to immerse back into our spiritual source. And only in soaking Jesus Christ do we reconnect into this life itself.

Jesus was everything baptized into the nature of Adam and Eve which was in Mary. In the first baptism of his earthly existence, this son of man thirsted, suffered, hungered, ate, drank, sweated and defecated; yet he proved that this humiliating gown that is flesh and blood is not an irresistable liability to be evil. Anyone in the rotting gown cannot claim their love for God and everybody else is paralyzed by their body. Jesus completely frustrated the eternal burden his body was. His flesh and blood, born by God, could live forever; that is why it could purchase our eternal soul from perdition. Essentially, Jesus had to disable eternal self centredness in his body so as to offer himself as a perfect sacrifice.

Our bodies, which we also have to forsake, share Adam: after his limbs were divided into Eve, every African, Asian and European emanates from the two humans. Yet every black, brown, white skinned person is a filthy parasite who love to replace God: by proclaiming (in songs and every other artistic commotion) wrinkling, rotting, rusting creatures as best, dearest, sweetest. The creator we lust to misuse to despise him is just. It is pure fairness for the provider of all things to wipe out the unthankful creatures we even flaunt being. Only in dying to sins, are we saved. Our rebirth wipes out our Adamic arrogance just as the earth, from which Adam was fashioned from, is soon going to be melted by Holy Fire.

In the resultant uninhabited earth, Justice will be perfected when a new race inherits the earth. Jesus Christ with his new born again bride will give the creator of everything human souls who only pant for his essence — which he excruciates to emanate everything. Sinless men and women, by appreciating the sacrifice that sustains them, become thankfulness itself. The eternal energy and intelligence God imparted into Adam is not wasted.


The wonderful payback redeemed men and women are is the gist of every covenant in the bible. Through the promises to Abraham and David, God created a compassionate loophole and excuse to spare everybody from hell. All men and women are equally valuable brothers and sisters to each other. Therefore, the inclusion of Abraham and David in the new world promised in Jesus Christ had to give any self introspective person the chance to join the realm of safety on his or her own volition.

All people are like the mere human beings Abraham and David were. Only God’s grace gifted the two men, and their descendants who aped them, the mercy of being captives in Sheol, an island of peace in hell. The saviour therefore died to save everybody who humbles themselves to the fact that only the mercy of a loving creator sustains them. Jesus preached to every truly humble person who has ever lived in every race; they were salvaged in Abraham’s bosom, the torment free part of hell — waiting for the most meek maker they yearned for to mercifully free them.

The free will was created to willingly desire for God. The parable of the good Samaritan proves that God was aware and impressed by loving people who were not in the Israeli nation. The fact that every nation and tongue must produce saints of Jesus Christ points out that there are always a remnant of people who refuse to worship — with the violence of war– the society or nation they are in. These saints love everyone such that they are denounced as unpatriotic naive cowards.


The lust to be a community of brave conquerors of every other group of people is a chief gate to hell. No nation is innocent of knowing the humble nature of God. Yet all societies have spat and are still spitting at his existence. This is illustrative in how Africans, who Europeans thought were illiterate of scriptures, were infact very conversant with the Israeli nation. The Biblical allusions to Egypt, Ethiopia and Cush are supplemented by the fact that most African communities are monotheistic and practise circumcision.

Africans, just like Greeks and Romans, knew the natural testimony of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham means founder of communal sense of belonging; Isaac means humorous — unnatural — perpetuator of life and Jacob means usurper of conventional honour. Their ancestral worship proves Africans were aware that there is an excluisve unconventional spirit who humorously — supernaturally — usurps their limitations to perpetuate them in their sexual procreation. That a full grown person emanates from a sap in a womb is a miracle. Our bodies are mysteries, especially by how they quickly fade away.

All cultures knew that there is an unseen source to their existence. It was upto Africans to sincerely interrogate the identity of this person — the presence of the Holy Spirit around them. God meets us in sincerity. If they harboured a true search for the divine, the Trinity would have inspired every African tribe to explore the world so as to be intimately familiar with Israel, like Ethiopia did.

Insincerity exalts the community above the unseen owner of all souls. This is why lies eventually trapped even Ethiopia in empty religion, just as the charm of traditions is still bamboozling the free will of black people in animism. Even born again Africans indirectly worship ancestral familiar spirits as a majority of them consolidate around their tribesmates — instead of intimately networking with their fellow Christians from any other ethnicity.
Nevertheless, many believers are no better than their African counterparts. Infact, American Christians almost worship their nation: most of them act as if God is only concerned with the survival of America — they don’t primarily identify themselves as fellow citizens of a worldwide Christian kingdom.

Localized connection is not evil. But it is very dangerous. Cults quarantine themselves to protect their ‘holiness’. When people flaunt the special nature of their grassroot organization, the Holy Spirit allows demonized invaders to expose the shamness of their fellowship. Neighbourhood societal bonds are narrowminded and sensual. This is why the violence in Muslim countries is a repercurssion of the followers of the Koran adoring their native togetherness. To protect their ancestral heritage, Muslims even legislate against truth. Islamist Republic have blasphemy and conversion laws as warnings against anyone who talks by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, who is now cautioning Arabs that Allah and Mohammed are channels to hell.

Therefore, terror by European colonialists were spiritual responses to the fake communality of African tribes. Different ethnicities were brothers and sisters; yet an innate madness made them to fight each other. Violence woke up the black people’s capacity to uniquely resist self centred rituals that made them feel holy. Forceful resistance against physical violence is a divine punishment; in peace, the attacked person refused to fight sin or innate insanity.

The great tribulation will be the perfect testament of how tyrannical punches, blows, shootings and slashes are holy reminders to all human spirits of this fact: we were only born to daily crucify our self centredness — so as to connect with the flaming feelings of our maker. Only Matyrs of Christ, who kill all self absorbtion don’t deserve even a slap on their face; that is why the shedding of their blood crowns them as matyrs.

Surprise blood letting invasion makes the vanquished community to grasp this bitter truth: in their comfort, they were naively worshiping spirits that sweetly set them up to be easy prey for predators. The colonial violence in Africa echoed the Roman invasions which woke up the Celts and Anglo saxons. The slashing, burning and raping from Romans made Anglo saxon Barbarians doubt the profit of human sacrife in their Druid religions which were meant to assure peace.


Every tribe in the world practised a type of human sacrifice. All cultures innately understand that there is a person who must pain his nerves to emanate life. Today, abortion has become the perverse altar of spilling the most innocent of blood — so that the environment is not degraded by ‘over population’.

Human beings always want a scapegoat; our souls, created like God, innately know that a person has to suffer so that we enjoy freedom. This is why the populations conquered by Rome were impressed by the King dying on the cross for them. A sovereign who is a sacrifice, is the ultimate concept of stability. The Holy Spirit, whose flaming nerves emanate any comfort, allows humiliating physical violence to spark introspective hearts. Souls searching for sincerity become the ploughed fields which are willing to receive the seed of infinite truth Jesus is.


The no nonsense judge of judges, who was in the brutally humiliated Jesus, has no favouritism. To testify of God’s scrutiny which is not skin deep, some of us are white and others black. This also applies to the speaking of different languages. We must abide in Jesus who is the parent of the darkest or ‘ugliest’ or most irritating person — only then can we love everyone. Without this unconditional love of Christ, the most beautiful or fair man or woman must end alone, ever aching in pitch dark.

Baptism is thus the reason for racial variety. Being black and white is a test of how much we can become violent to ourself. We, as Paul did, should count any natural worthiness we have as dung or feaces. The Lord made anyone ‘very beautiful’ to reward them limitlessly after they continually pass the lifelong test of daily counting their dashing physical looks as dung.

That is why celebrities are hell’s best bait. What men and women highly prize among themselves is an abomination to God. The stuff we count as a blessing is actually a liability. Unless you realize that life is a test in baptism, you count anything that glitters as gold. The less physically dashing person should simply fight off the empty jealousy of coveting supple, smooth, cute, or beautiful feaces.

The conundrum of different skin colours and languages is a test of whether we would deny praising ourselves — just as Christ completely humbled himself. The variation of skin hues is not merely a celebration of the rainbow beauty of God. We love anyone as we love ourself only after we crucify — openly painfully completely humiliate — our flesh or physical appearance.

God is only love because of his faithfulness. His appearance is irresistable but consistent. He was, is and will ever be Holy eternal Fire, shining brighter than the sun sustaining everything. Yet he trapped himself in a sap in a womb which grew into the white blob of dung that became the body of Jesus; he buried or planted his fertilizer body, wrapping the seed of life he was, into the good soil which was the perfect understanding of his heart. His imagination, intution and obsession was completely connected to God.

Jesus, wrapping the Son who is God, germinated new spirits and new bodies for all who will also sow the word in their fertilizer flesh, yielding their body to the Trinity for him to do anything he wills with it. The word of God is his living, never dying will. Disciples of Christ must plant(bury)their sensual emotions and thoughts, which are felt their bodies, in the good soil of their wills yielded to God; their intuitions and imaginations must be obessed sealed or covered only with the Holy Spirit. Only then can the church grow in their vine who is Jesus.

Only spiritual life, through holy baptism, activates true freedom. Therefore, almost everybody, by paying lip service to the significance of calvary, is chained to racial, ethnic and cultural prejudice. The antichrist world advocates for everyone to be proud of themselves whilst respecting and tolerating other people.
However, God does not allow us to even brag of how we are well created. This is because he resists any pride so as to give grace to the meek, who will inherit the earth.

This is why Christ commands us to first count any physical beauty we have as manure. We extend this anti pampering love to others as we have loved ourselves. We regard all physical attractiveness as feaces — but only to adore the unseen eternity beneath the material shell. Therefore, if you think you were born ‘ugly’, you not only lose nothing, but you are blessed. Love is exhorting all individuals to dosmiss their first birth as a mistake so as to be born again: the ‘ugly’ person is eager to be reborn.

The second birth in Christ is everything. The Bible is an illustration of how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit made the promise of Christ to the least deserving men and women — in sensual terms. Out of the hag that was Sarah, Israel was born. This undeserved favour on a grandmother exalts God’s own pure will which would eternally keep that promise only on his own faithfulness. Circumcision, which foretells birthing anew human beings, show that all divine promises exalt the ‘omnipotent’ will.


The result of the best will of a man and a woman, as exemplified by the conception of Ishmael, is pornographic and genocidal. Sarah’s machinations with Hagar illustrate that even the most patient human will eventually, out of panic, grope at his or her last option. By recommending Hagar to her husband, Sarah was essentially calling herself a slave of a slave. Consequently, she had to bow down to Hagar, and the servant let her know.

Abraham’s story with Hagar and Sarah is a warning to us; our solutions of our self effort become disasters. Because we are not omniscient, anything we plan is unreliable. Ishmael points out we end up dismissing people we desired as rubbish when they cannot do or be everything we planned. God’s desire is reliable as it measures all likely outcomes and takes care of them. Whatever we want is a seed of disillusionment.

The epitome of humanly godless desire is expressed in the procreation of a child; and the beginning of a human life is not birthing but conception The aborted (rejected by human will) and the miscarried people (rejecting human will) are now in heaven and will be alive forever more as men and women. Unfortunately, the physically born, who are counted as blessings, become owned by the pride of the parents. Unless they are born again, a father and mother pumps arrogance into their offspring. The imparted commonsense ultimately make the child scoff at the reality of the unseen God. The kid eventually is ensnared with youthful lusts that he or she carries to adulthood. In the ends, the soul that was an infant dumps itself into eternal torment, after joking around with Christ. All souls now in hell wish (in screams) never having been conceived.

Spiritual conception through Jesus Christ is the only destiny anyone has. It is made only possible only if the person being made sparkling new internalizes the purity of God in the redeemer.
The born again appreciates ‘son of man’: this is the inheriting or perpetuation of man. It is the divine mercy that postponed the condemnation of Adam and Eve; if not for the benovelent will of ‘son of man ‘ in Christ, we should be swallowed into the excruciating pitch black jail that is hell, even at this moment. This is why any revealation of Jesus Christ is Good news.


News is mainly about accidents, disasters, conflicts, controversies and all manner of crisis which suggest that safety and harmony is too common and boring. The whole world is structured around the ethos of exalting yet taking in vain physical wellness. People work, bank, insure and invest to provide and keep themselves away from being gossip: everybody struggles to escape being an uncommon lonely disaster of frustration in a sea of good living. Yet, if it is not for the moment by moment pardon of God, even the most polite volunteer should be now burning in the lake of fire.

The minute by minute eternal mercy of Christ, flowing even in the veins of a journalist, is the only news worth broadcasting. Because God is invisible, we scoff at the secret of our sonship or perpetuation he is.
Sonship is not masculinity. In the case of humanity, a daughter is joined to a son so that the two become one flesh to perpetuate their bodies. The eternal human spiritual soul, powering the withering physical outer shell, is from God and only God’s. In the complete Son of the Omnipotent is the merged concept of a son and daughter.

Adam was a son of God or a perpetuation of the divine nature . Only when he pined for companionship was he divided into two. The hand of the creator must be the matchmaker in any marriage to perpetuate the godly nature of the two lovers, soaked head to feet, with the lover who died to perfect both of them. The male and female were in the son Adam. They were divided in Genesis so as to make them pine to be joined together — a miracle only the creator can effect.

The seperation of man in the beginning was a preparation of revealing the indispensability of Christ. Jesus is not only the brilliant joiner of spouses, he is, as the conversion of Paul attests, the reconciliation that even makes a bigot treat his ‘enemies’ as beloved brothers. Men and women who are like the Apostle Paul are ever fascinated by Christ in each other. Their bond of compassion captures the complete sonship or continuation of the divine essence: in the Son of God who is the son of Man, coalesce the bride (Church) in the bridegroom(Christ) — full of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Father is the Purpose in all creation, ever surrendering all he is to the son who is the image of reality — the lettering and painting of all life. The reality of this yielding between mission and expression is the Holy Spirit, who is the form of everything. The exhibition of Purpose — the Father (source) of all light — as Spirit form, is the son of God.

Looking or thinking about each other or anything is the Son. He is the reconciliation or familiarization in creation. Created beings live to ever fellowship though the communication he is. The goal of studying each other is the Father. All inventions should only to hallow the name or genius intent that is the ‘Father’. The Spirit is the reality, tangibleness or glory of anything we behold. This is why anything non spiritual is empty. Creation, especially a human beings, exists only to be filled by the glory of the Holy Spirit.

The symmetrical dimensions perceived as round, square, condensed, vapour and liquid, are emmanations of the Holy Ghost. The the grasped meaning of all heights, lengths and widths is the Father, who is understanding itself — felt as the Spirit — in the examination that is the Son. Essentially, God is one and is in everything. This is why our creator, especially because he is invisible, is humiliated, abused and hurt by even one boastful or lustful thought.

A normal human being, created in the image of creator of everything, must use all the genius he inherits from his maker to adore this limitless intrigue — like Jesus did. This is the minimum requirement of existence — as God is in everything we are. Unless we become ever creative and self sacrificial, which is the image of Jehovah, we end up becomig parasites: want to misuse him when worshiping pleasure and power in vainglorious music, films, video games, sports, and everything else that exalts creations above the creator of everything.

To be sinless and thus to stop being a tick and cancer of God, any man or woman should be full of the Holy Spirit. However, this comforting symmetry has no right to pour the form of existence he is on any mere man or woman. The Spirit who is pure cannot not rape human beings. He only pours himself on any person who yields to Jesus who took on the burden of everyone’s never ending arrogance.

The humility who is God is form who perfectly re-forms our distortions or sins. However, our make over is only possible when we freely abide in Jesus Christ, the template of all men and women. Our saviour was conceived, led, filled, and resurected from the dead by the Holy Spirit — the form of everything.

Jesus is the way, Truth and Life because he internalized all form who is the Pure Spirit; in this posession, no formlessness could deceive him. Anything outside the Ghost of holiness, anything outside the redeemer who births anew, is now nothing; it is destined to ever be shapeless, even if it has a glossy outer appearance.

God’s perfection is in his complete invisibility. A ghost is invincible process. Any physical size and shape on earth has no shape or size because every material element is constantly wrinkling, rusting, denuding, burning and rotting away into confusing, disorienting shapeless nothing.

In a man’s body, Jesus took on all human ugliness. Yet his flesh and blood was conceived by full form. On the cross, the messiah became completely assymetrical (formless) . This testified that God is fully Love only because he is the harmonious balance of infinite pain and pleasure. The creator and designer of all dimensions is Form or Spirit or invincible symmetry; this perfectly balanced essence is only because the Omnipotent one in his genius imaging knows and experiences the uttermost depths of assymetry.


Assymetrical understanding is iniquity; unbalanced perception is what sin really is. The sinner lusts to be the best or most dazzling — ultimately lusting to sit on the throne of the only omnipresent Father in heaven. The super hero who thinks he or she can be God never realizes that Jehovah is only perfect becase he is not only in all locations simultaneously, he also burns his own essence, whilst feeling all anguish, so as to fuel all reality.

Human presumption is why even Christians are never intrigued by the fact that only their God is everywhere yet he locates himself in one place, on one seat. Everything seating or standing in one place is the most remarkable of feats. We take for granted that Elohim is a composite person who is in all places to make ‘everywhere’ possible. His location on a throne is the epitome of modesty: even people who claim they love the giver of life assume he is having a siesta whilst shining out his omnipotence.

The Almighty is exalted in the highest heaven. Yet where is high? People on the opposite side of the globe have opposing senses of ‘up’. Only Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life because He is imbued with omnipresence. When we put on the annointed King, we have no presumptions on the sense of direction, location or personal wellbeing.

Presumption is behind the pervasive pursuit of pleasure and fame. Europeans, Africans and Asians essentially collectively lie that a man or woman is a being born with the human right to engorge in the animal happiness and freedom of eating, copulating and showing off — as sanctioned by the collective will of the herd.

This is why heroes and heroines of wars, competitions and stories, exalt a demonized character; the idols on the spotlight captivate the physical senses of their listener or viewer. Consequently, the dumb worshiper buys anything, obeys anything or becomes anything his or her idol suggests.

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