Adulter(y)ating Christ

Jesus, who is coming for a people who have hearts like those of a pure bride, castigated adultery because it is the widest gate to hell. And as he pointed out, this sin is not just the joining of genitals between people who are unmarried; it is comparing spirits using carnal senses. Perversion concerns the celebration of surface appearance whilst denigrating the personality. But it is primarily about comparing (and substituting) the Holy Spirit with any other spirit. This is why Israel, when they started worshiping demons in idolatry, were denounced as a nation which was unfaithful to her husband.

Extra-marital copulation is not all there is to adultery, but it is its strongest power. Men and women who mingle their body fluids enter into a covenant — like that of marriage. But as it is not anointed by the Holy Spirit, such a soul connection becomes an altar of life-long demonic oppression. Most adults are now dealing with just one major problem in their life: the emotional attachments that they had with their former ‘honeys. “I am okey with my ex,” anyone can say, until they see the blast from the past looking younger, fitter and healthier than them, and with a fairy tale spouse and family.

Therefore, Jesus is now demanding that his body, which is Christians, sorts out its baggage of egos. Humans are born to bond, yet most of our relations, especially romantic ones, are behind our tears. Christians must now cut off all erotic intimacies they have ever had with women or men; yet we must still wish to meet them in heaven, with their husbands or wives and kids. This is because even the ‘darlings’ who turned out to be monster-like were just victims. Believers should never feel a pang if their dissapointing relations sparkle in life — because any ‘making it’ outside of Christ is a mirage.

The best thing for me and you is for our competitors to excel in Jesus. Many men and women, since they were children, have been misused by a false gospel — which has no power over sin and which offers no comfort. Any flaws the exs of Christians had is a result of shallowness from the church. And the key to breakthrough to relationships is to wish the person(s) you broke up with — who dissapointed you — to have ten times as wonderful the spouse and future you crave for.

This is something hard for anyone to do. But it is precisely why not only many Christians are single or in stressful marriages; this is the reason miraculous power is limited. An unbeliever can enter into a marriage and seem to enjoy it but he or she will eventually suffer the consequences of adultery. Just drooling at a person is fornicating. Most marriages are inspired by being overwhelmed by the physical appearance of someone. The carnal mind is aroused by special spectacles, the reason ‘tall, rich, dark and handsome’ is a mantra among women. To many single ladies, a bachelor who is ‘short, pale, plain and poor’ is as good as a dressed up monkey.

To perfect us, as he took Jesus to the desert, God must guide us through a season of being alone but being full of love, and not itching to meet ‘the one’. And whether single or married, Jesus must also review all our past, teaching us to love all the romantic interests we have ever been with with his compassion, purging and denouncing all memories of ‘good times’ (carnal enjoyment), alongwith any sense of entitlement. The Lord gives freely and his cup over flows with never ending blessing. But to receive anything from him, we must first plant — give him — our best. The corruption of sowing and reaping is in its concentration on money.

True planting is emotional and imaginative — such that if we sincerely hope for a person who broke our hearts to even succeed a hundred times than we do (but in Christ), we break any barriers between us and our desires. And Jesus can decide to restore the broken relationship — if the ex is not yet married and also washes himself or herself of all the carnal obsessions. This is why the gospel is the key to life. If people whom we disagreed with discern the God of holiness but of no grudges in us, their hard hearts would be softened; they would be empowered to be patient with us with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Nevertheless, even if Jesus is reconciliation, he wouldn’t make us chase mere humans. In fact many former lovers of born again Christians regard them as only leaning on Jesus so as to be escapists. Therefore, Christ is ready to bring to single believers new people. It doesn’t matter what commonsensical dating wisdom says, Christ, to honour those who only honour his Lordship, gives them perfect wives or husbands, irregardless of age or kids from previous ties. The key is we should not cherish the new person as an improvement to the former. Such kind of ‘better love’ is hate.

Jesus accused the Pharisees of having the same sin as the woman caught in adultery because immorality is not about defiling the marriage bed. Harbouring a superiority complex is as nasty as sleeping with someone’s spouse. In fact, a husband and wife look for lovers because they regard each other as not worthy enough. “I don’t know what entered me when I decided to be yours,” some spouses even snarl at each other just before a divorce. “If I had just waited longer, I would have probably gotten the angel I was meant to spend my life with,” divorcees sometimes tell themselves when recalling the period that preceded their marriages. The truth is that the seperation is a result of the ‘lover’s’ lifelong attitude, of putting people into classes — wanting himself or herself to be at the top — above riff raffs.

The only love possible on earth is that which adores the least — especially enemies. However, as most of our ties are carnal, and even close family members can decide to spurn Jesus, we must not go back to Satanic intimacy as we are supposed to flee from it. But pure intentions are good enough for the author and finisher of our faith, who may even set you up to meet the person(s) in question — to make them realize that you wish them to be even seven times more full of Jesus than you are — so that you meet in heaven.

Christ, the way, truth and life, warned against adultery of the eye and even remarrying because of the vice of comparing. If we unfavourably size up anyone to a beloved, our conscience wouldn’t want to spend eternity with that ‘loser’. Tragically, heaven would thus be impossible for us. But also, our destiny of giving it all would also be lost. When a man meets a woman, he may be strongly fascinated with her. However, if the man listens to the voice of God, which asks ‘ Yes, she is pretty, but isn’t so and so also stunning, if not more?’, he would hunger for true love.

Most affection among dating couples is based on comparing. This explains why people fall out of love. Their eyes readjust. Yet there is a special priceless charisma in people who are born again. And this is the anointing, which only people who have also the same charisma born out of a broken heart can appreciate. Carnality tries to snuff it out. Even lust in born again believers wars against that beauty of the Holy Spirit. But this anti-Christ spirit is simply human classism– as we should only strive to lord against demons, principalities and powers.

Jesus is now promising this reality: if any women and men, after introspection, sincerely and without malice affirm,” I want everyone, even my ex, to have ten times as better Christ-filled spouses, children and favours as I would have,” he would move heaven to celebrate such souls in marriages. “Try me and see whether I wouldn’t pour the windows of heaven…” has been misused by prosperity preachers. This was meant for love, not money. Jesus is simply asking any of us,” Test me by loving me with all your obsessions, infatuations and longings and you will see how I will pour mindblowing empathy on you; you would want anyone to have a thousand times of this Father’s ecstasy — which no money can buy, no good looks can inspire and no touch can arouse.”

People want to feel more favoured by God than others because they have not yet tasted his acceptance. Matchmaking is made by Jesus in worship, which is complete selflessness. The devil knows this. He is thus making many people to ascend to heaven only to beg for him to vindicate their past dissapointments with a ‘dream’ breakthrough. In such a situation, Christ is obliged to close the windows of heavenly goodness, especially romance. After the cross, God gives us only what we wish others to have, especially the least. The sacrifice of the lamb of God desired enemies of the Trinity to have his best glory. This principle was encrypted into all the heavens and the earth — this is why Jesus, who is the changer of sinners (junk) into saints (jewels), said he has all authority in these realms.

The spirit of Anti Christ is thus promoting most of the cronism, classism, tribalism and racism. ‘Atleast I am (we are) better than so and so’, is meant to taunt Christ, telling him, “Nobody really can be like you and sincerely wish the best for his foes and the most despised; you thus died, ressurected and sent your spirit for nothing.” This is why Jesus is only desperate to pour unspeakable charisma to people who pray,”I want you to give me a man or woman who is so broken hearted that he or she would long for anyone to be more blessed with your presence and prosperity than me and that person.”

A broken heart is the crucible of never ending anointing, which we should live in full time, even when walking in the street. This empowerment is like ecstacy, intoxication and electric power all combined into one. Souls which live in this glory are signs of an oncoming awakening of who Christ is that has never been seen. But this force of transformation has always been available at any time in history. What has hindered it is a sense of entitlement, a desperation to be superior. Israel rejected Jesus precisely because they couldn’t stand this reality: he wanted his disciples to desire Gentiles, whom they regarded as dogs, to be more divinely gifted than they were. And ultimately, the nations have exalted Jehovah more than ‘the chosen people’, who today are mostly agnostics.

Gentile nations, like Assyrians, Babylonians and the Romans, had oppressed Israel; this is why Jews, like Jonah attested, had grudges against them. On the same note, most of Christians are like ‘the chosen people’, but we still want to shine more than the ‘outcasts of God’ whom we freed ourselves from. Most believers only superficially know the Lord they serve; that is why they find ways to ignore or explain away his washing of feet. Christ wanted his disciples to be atleast ten or a hundred times more influential than he was. This is the key to the good — multiplying — seed.

A false reaping and sowing is going around, and it is meant to distract us from divine planting. Christ was never eager for anyone to give money to his ministry — even if he recognized that he is entitled to all resources he needs to accomplish his service. The donkey used in the triumphal entry and the prepared room at the last supper testifies of this. However, the saviour of the world considered the seed as himself. He wanted to make anyone to have more reach (physically) than he did. And if he perfectly replicated himself in someone else, that person would want Jesus to be ten times as reknowned — by empowering more disciples with the same anointing. Any new convert, if he or she grasps the same nature of Christ, would again want the Lord to be a dozen times as effective — by spreading the authority and power.

This is the true kingdom of God — dying to reputation in a chain reacting manner — a wonder signified by the multiplying of bread and fish. The food increased as the disciples, broke it down, shared it. The endtime anointing will break out in an explosive manner, which will signify the oncoming rapture. However, it will only be a move of hearts which desire anyone, especially competitors, to be a hundred times as Christ-like as they are. Most pastors are what Jesus identified as ‘seed sown by the enemy’ in his field. And they infect this weed-like attitude to their congregation. There are many who are anointed but they need to prepare themselves to enter this new dispensation; sadly, only a few leaders will have the humility of repenting. Most of them will become like the guests invited to the banquet, only to act as if the little they owned was more precious that the abundant kingly privileges — until the King, who can confisticate anyone, every land and every ox in his kingdom, chose people who have nothing to lose in life.

The unemployment rate and poverty in Africa (and the third world), Jesus is proclaiming, will be the greatest opportunity for him. Many ministers think they have made it. These apostles assume sweating for their anointing — and that is why they never want any ordinary being to be atleast ten times as powerful as them. Such ‘Fathers of the Gospel’ will be soon by passed by young ‘untrained’ people. A new wine skin is here and they will just want to give it all. The old wine skin wants to hoard its contents. That is why Jesus cannot pour this new intoxication in it — as it will waste it by spilling it after being burst open.

More comforting than any wine, the ultimate high is the fullness of the Holy Spirit. And the only way to access him is by repentance, specifically turning away from the eye of adultery. Being enamoured by someone just by the way they look is like peeling that person and rubbing him or her so as to feel good, but only to dispose that individual as a diaper. And this is exactly what the men in Israel were doing to their wives; they searched for flimsy faults in their spouses to legitimize the divorce that would allow them to remarry more delicious meat. Grading people on a variety of rungs is reducing them to things.

To the Israeli, a woman was as slow witted as a child. This sexism was spread all over the world and is still evident today, by the way pretty women are used as mere advertizing aids. The denigration of women or the poor was never a divine mandate. Even when God told Eve that she would be under her husband, he was merely pointing out that by not arousing in Adam that he should itch to be like God like she wanted to, she accepted to be mere flesh of his flesh and bones of his bones.

Adultery therefore started in the Garden of Eden — ironically by a wife and a husband loving each other at all costs. Carnal affection is perversion. Our original parents despised the Holy Spirit, branding him as not comforting enough than they were to each other or not as enlightening as a serpent. And Jesus pointed out that Jews were boasting of keeping the rituals outlined in the book of Leviticus only because they had this same hard heart that was in Adam. Keeping off from the fruit of good and evil was never going to make the image of God to feel okey. The likeness of Elohim could only rest after drawing to his maker with all of his heart, soul and strength.

‘Thou-shall-nots’ are meant for only this purpose: to grind the stony heart to dust — so that it is remoulded into Christ-likeness by Jehovah; ordinances were never designed to flatter those who kept them that they were stable and strong. ‘I am rightous because I have never slept with anyone’s wife,’ a law keeping Israeli claimed. Yet their messiah revealed that God was pissed off by just the imagination of extra marital copulation. “I need a new way of looking at people and obsessing about them,” was the only prayer God wanted to hear from each of his people. The conception, life, death, ressurection and ascension of Jesus — which enabled him to be transfigured as us through the Holy Spirit — is the answer to this petition.

Jesus reveals that God abandons us to our parents so as to adopt us when we, as expected, despair of our earthly parenting. Without the divine essence put in the natures of our progenitors — God risking himself in sinful creatures — the miracle of conception would be impossible. All souls now in hell are Ben Elohims which sensual obsessions wasted. And carnality starts in how we view our parentage. “I am a child of God encrypted in my mum’s and dad’s nature,” anyone should confess — regarding everyone on the same wavelength. We can only bond by regarding each other as offsprings of Elohim. Men and women, even spouses, must view each other as brothers and sisters born by Jehovah.

God is against fornication, adultery and divorce because it creates hate among his children, splitting his family. Sexual intimacy, as Paul even said, creates a very deep impression about souls involved in it. This is why the devil, through movies and music, is encouraging pre marital sex, whereby young people taste and enjoy each other’s bodies for a season, only to spit one other for sweeter flesh pots. This makes a body become a life long altar of lust and pride. A man or woman become desperate to get the best deal they could get — a spouse who will outdo previous lovers, in appearance, manners and sexual performance.

‘Atleast I am good as or better than so and so,’ is the same compulsion that leads a wife and husband to copulate with strangers. Betrayal in a life-long partnership starts before any party says, ‘I do’. Before being Mr. and Mrs. Bliss, the Bride and the Bridegroom who end up as former Mr. and Mrs. Bliss, base their love on adultery. They cherish each other as better than a dissapointing fling or affair in the past. Eventually, the better option becomes the good bet which fades into the bad companionship that rusts into the ‘worse tie than a previous one’ which ultimately crumbles into the ‘worst mistake that has ever happened in my life’. Grudges carried over from petty romance are magnified in marriage such that love becomes a circus of favourably or unfavorably comparing what you have to what you don’t have.

And this spirit is encrypted in the church. This is evident in how the big ones such as the Catholic one, are well oiled machines of obeying orders. Yet the ‘holy body administered from Rome’, comprised of billions of members, is even at the forefront of pedophillia. The Anglican church is also is in the same position, which is evident in its homosexual agenda. Even Muslims ask Christians, “How can the Trinity you worship be a Holy God? Some of us may be too violent, but we don’t rape boys whilst pretending to be leading them to God, and we certainly don’t approve unnatural sexual relationships.”

The devil, by trapping the body of Christ in a top-down structure, instead of a culture of washing each other’s feet, is eager to shame Jesus. “Is this the church which you claimed can never be be overcome by the gates of hell?” the devil taunts Christ. Satan is desperate to defile believers with self centredness until the bride that is meant to arise in the rapture becomes a confused and bitter whore, who can do anything to gain money and acclaim. Tragically, the Pentecostal and evangelical movement, by being swallowed by the once saved always saved posperity doctrine, is completely corrupting the body of Jesus.

Sexual perversion, like divorce, is ancient. Even in African pastoral societies wives strayed out of the marriage bed. Dowry was highly esteemed only because of encouraging a girl not to be ‘defiled’ before she is touched by her husband. However, this is the only generation whereby teenagers are encouraged to have protected sex. “I am the man because I can charm a lady in every way until she dies for my touch,” a single man boasts, bribing as many ‘catches’ as possible to his bed. Meanwhile, a single lady encourages herself, “Any man would die to have me; therefore, anyone courting me should worship the ground I walk on.” Love thus becomes a hide and seek game of intimidating each other with excitement, always ending up under bedcovers. After the mystery of rubbing loses its allure, the chemistry is exposed as the same one cocks have for hens.

Tragically, even anointed ministers have this animal like affection. Even if they perform miracles, most ministers chase money whilst struggling with lust. Some even divorce their wives and remarry. This is because they view people as poor, rich, stunning and drab meat — and not as different but equal children of God. This attitude is infected into the congregation. Boys and girls, mistaking approval from the pulpit as acceptance from the heavenly throne, fear humans more than they revere the Holy Spirit — who not only knows all their secrets, but excruciates to sustain their every breath. The church becomes a social club of performing rituals to keep up an image of piety; the communion of saints never challenges deep seated lust and pride.

This is why even worship leaders get entangled in sex out of wedlock, which eventually produces broken hearted children. Adultery reigns in the congregation. Believers have the same relationships that the world practises. Many men, especially in Africa, have been brainwashed to think that they are better than women. This is why a traditional African father who doesn’t manage to sire a boy feels like a total failure — as a man is supposed to perpetuate the surname of the family. The girl child is seen as a wanderer, bound to be owned by her husband. Therefore, the normal boy grows up lusting to feel in charge, which informs the way men are so manipulative towards women.

Many gentlemen front that they love a lady. Yet they just want to enjoy her as a copulating aid until she loses her sparkle. Then he leaves her. And even if he takes care of a child from such a tie, he will search for a fresher and prettier body to enjoy or settle down with. Lust does not understand eternal companionship, which is what love is. And manly lust is behind the many single women nowadays. Yet the girl who gets trapped in such a situation can never find help in church. Children like to compare each other based on surface markers of privilege. Thus most boys and girls, feeling not good looking enough or clever enough or rich enough or big enough, end up nursing a sense of rejection, for a life time. The church such a soul enters in never remedies, and may worsen, the emotional wounds.

Satan thus manipulates ties so as to use the fear of being refused as a weapon, threatening, “Stop being so crazy for Jesus because no one will accept you or be impressed with you. You will end up lonely and nowhere. You must imitate common bragging, envy and lust to be somebody and with someone.” Yet such a missile is easily repulsed by the power of the cross. The broken blood and flesh of Jesus is not just a potion to apply to get free and calm; the flow and softness of Christ is the privilege of joining ourself to (making a covenant with) God in our nastiest experiences. Jehovah runs reality by soaking in all rejection, humiliation, aching and frustration. We can worship our creator, and get deeper into him, with any pang that attack us.

“You will lose out on life if you are so serious about Christ,” the devil attacks any Christian. And sadly, many believers are frightened by this voice; the high number of backsliders attests to this tragedy. But multitudes are receiving a counterfeit Anointed King, that is why they are turning away from him. This is the reason pastors, who are ordained to magnify the true and living messsiah, will receive worse condemnation than anyone else. No one can spurn a saviour who is all recycling circuits, even in blood and breathing cycles, second after second,

Jehovah powers us by being our painful exhaling and inhaling. This is why diseases like pneumonia, asthma and Tuberculosis are faint tasting of the torment God internalizes to normalize our breathing cycles. The broken body and blood of Jesus reveals omni present mercy; and to peek at its true nature, envision yourself in the middle of a crowd that covers horizon to horizon. And then picture another set of bodies set together from sky to sky and spanning the whole universe. The lungs and noses on those inumerable souls would be simultaneously aching to just pay for your existence in a second; this is the ransom paid at calvary in one body, soul and spirit.

God is the burning bush who glows out our life. Yet he is not a hard stone that cannot feel anything. Jehovah is brighter than a sun because he is the highest sensitivity. This tenderness has never started and will not cease colliding, mingling and flowing whilst feeling every sensitivity. God, as the crucifixion of Jesus declares, is refining perception, the balanced violence that powers our thinking, seeing and functioning. In this light, the comparative affection is shattered. Anyone, no matter their appearance and gender, is a diffusion of divine sensitivity.

Therefore, men and women ought to view each other as creatures born to adore the excruciating tenderness of their creator that emanates their skin, muscles, bones, mucuos, blood and perceiving powers. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit dissolve into each other to maintain our frame. The only beauty in anyone is his or her appreciation of the divinity that pains to sustains him or her, from the mouth to the bowels. This is how we repent. We desire people to adore the God inside themselves than we are eager for them to please us. Only when two souls are only pursuing Jehovah with all they have and are does he lead them to be together, in friendship, partnership or marriage.

Therefore, bonds created outside worship are fake and crumbling. Unfortunately, many churches, like many other relating circles, are mere socializing clubs — not altars of self sacrifice. This is evident in how the anointing of the Holy Spirit is limited. If a group of people vow, “I die for all souls to be more Christ-like than I am,” God pours himself in such a gathering. This desire for selfless influence is the key to being fruitful, multiplying and subduing the earth. Essentially, the father says to the son, “I want you to be fruitful as born again human beings,” and the son tells the Holy Spirit, “I need you to multiply your glory in my body of believers,” and the Spirit tells the Father, “I desire you to subdue the earth by magnifying the purpose you are in the people I am in.” This bond between the Trinity, of longing for each other to increase, is the power behind all germinations and fruitions.

The endtime anointing, just before the rapture, must be an explosion of dying to self. This explains how the proud, who think that they don’t need to go to the King’s banquet, will be left outside this move. Demons of jealousy and entitlement will possess many Christians until they will denounce the celebration of the King’s authority. The blind, crippled and hadicapped, in brokenheartedness, will enter the halls of pomp. However, there are some normal believers who will be impressed by the party. They will follow the cripples. But as they regard themselves as familiar with the King, they would not put on the garment which the King avails for his invitees. And this garment is complete selflessness, realizing that anyone should come to the party because no one really deserves salvation.

Thus the person who doesn’t totally get on his knees and desires even haters to enjoy the anointing, will be prophesying, casting out demons, healing and teaching the word. But just as the real party starts, which will be a prelude to the rapture, such people will be shut out of the intoxication of the Holy Spirit. Their ‘I’m so special’ mentality will make them be in the hallway, assuming that the poor and riffraffs collected from the street had no other alternative but to put on the offered garment of being completely meek; but their own clothing would seem to them as good as the King’s, if not better.

As John points out, the rightous garments are the deeds of the saints — empowered by the Holy Spirit. Dead works, as Paul warns, are the robes of self rightousness, which are adorned by bewitched souls which started in the spirit but started boasting of lineages, achievments and stature. The King identified the gatecrusher as a friend; this means that familiarity with Jesus is very dangerous. We must be best friends with Jesus but not to the extent of feeling that we deserve special recognition from him, the reason he warned against people who go to a party and assume that they are the ones who are meant to sit next to the special guests — but ultimately such haughty minds are humiliated by the owner of the feast.

Jesus, through the many parables of feasts, was specifically warning his disciples, the reason he told John and James that as long as he is in a human body, they really don’t understand who he is and how they should reign with him. This was exposed when John, years later after James had been murdered by Jews (the carnal brotherhood broken), almost worshiped an angel, even after also seeing Christ in his splendour. The fact is the heart of man is wicked beyond sensual comprehension. And this fraud is conceived in shallow perception of who Christ is. Being amazed by appearances or visions of Christ is okey, until it makes you forget that Jesus is the same self sacrificial energy in your eyes and every vein.

The Lord of Lords is the broken flesh (softness) and poured blood (fluidity)we exist and glide in. Our saviour is our redeeming or replenishing energy, offered by him internalizing all nasty sensations in his very sensitive essence. We are because the Father, Son and Spirit mix all aching, rejection, loneliness, frustration and despair to make us exist. Three essences bubble in each other, excruciatingly, to maintain a human body. Therefore our dimensons are limitless, the reason the demoniac in the gospels, even with a faulty spirit, could contain a thousand spirits. Only the in filling of the Holy Spirit can seal — fence — us from the attacks from hell. And he does so by wiring us to eternity from every direction: front, back, side to side, back, down and inside.

God, who is never starting and never ending treasures, enters us so as to center us as a point of worship that ascends and descends to his omnipresence — any dimension and direction. Therefore a man or woman is like a point inside a boundless sphere of worship which billows in and out. This surrendering produces freedom and joy that is beyond understanding — such that a true worshiper desires for all people to enjoy the same experience and even a manifestation which is more intense.

The seven dimensions of reality don’t only concern physical direction: they are about desires, in the then, now and soon. Up concerns the will to soar with ambition and pioneer a wonderful way of living; back is about our memories, the lust to be legendary; down refers our need to be grounded and stable; side to side concerns our want to have friends who complement us; the front is about our desire for a partner with whom we produce inheritors; and inside is about the need to be intoxicated fully with one being who is space, time and matter — who can satisfy all these hungers. It is thus clear that Elohim, who is in the past, present and future, and who is the beginning and end of any element or creature, is the only person who can fulfill any thirst or hunger we have. This is why Jesus, full of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, declares himself as the true food and true drink of life.

Yet Christ only fulfills anyone who desires the most despicable of individuals to be more satisfied with God than he or she is. A network of spirits with the same mind create a never ending ripple effect that is seven dimensional, such that all craves and longings are satisfied. This reality, which the wheels within wheels at the throne of God reveals, is also reflected by the spirals that surround the nuclei of an atom. Life is a circuit of fluidity, the reason the devil has planted very rigid doctrines into the church. This inflexibility is reflected by the dogmatic clerical leadership and shallow revelations. The word of God is not the book called the Bible — it is the King called Yeshua, our start and finish.

“Everything written by Moses and the prophets is about me,” Christ declared. This is because even Genesis is about the communion of the Holy Spirit. The dark waters before, ‘Let there be light’, is a reflection of the destiny of life without the light of the world. The end of the earth is oxygen, which is oxidizing (rusting) power, mingled with hydrogen, which is exploding power. The firm earth and liberating atmosphere is divine blessings, produced after light — lasers, fires and waves — that is the Holy Spirit entered this confusing peeling and expanding mass.

The solid earth is therefore a reflection of this conversion: the electricity that is Elohim finetuning — judging — the end of the earth, which is a confusion of popping and disintegrating forces, devoid of the designing nature of divinity. The ground is a reflection of this fact: the rigidity — stubborness — of Jehovah is our stability. However, the earthly sense of being grounded is a mirage. Current rocks must go back to a watery chaos. And in this morass would be electricity that is human souls who clinged to the earth. As we are never ending energy, which can be discerned by the EKG, if we are mixed with water(rusting and exploding), we produce never ending bombing that ages: This is the gist of the lake of fire.

Jesus is the saviour whom we must put on, to stop clinging — trusting — the flesh, which we came from. And we stick onto him by considering even the food and drink we take as him. He is the operation of all muscles, blood and bones, which is a recycling motion. This internalization of Christ is necessary, the reason he warned that people will come claiming, “Jesus is in this avenue or this location; come and see him.” Such a call, made by many ministers, may sound beautiful but it is bound to make people assume that Christ is hidden by the person giving invitations and directions to the shrine.

The consequences of not presenting a Jesus that should be even the energy in our singing can be seen in the Rastafarian movement. Started in the 1930’s in Jamaica, this worshiping of Haille Sellassie as Christ is based on a very tragic form of Christianity: Carribean slave owners presented God as a white grandpa in the sky whom people go to beg for prosperity on the behest of the priest. Logically, the blacks felt as if Jesus was a racist, as he seemed to dole out alot of blessings to the white rich class whilst giving leftovers to the black slaves.

The devil creates such a sense of entitlement to an elite class in the church so as to create his own messsianic movement. The anointing — even demonic — flows among a gathering of the least of souls. Rastas are very few in Jamaica, a country which is has the most churches per mile. Whilst Jamaican Christians have not left any mark on world evangelism, the cult of Ras Tafari has influenced all nations. And the manner Reggae has captured the world, especially poor youth, is a result of Satan imitating the true church — which is faintly seen in the reggae music. Unlke most pop music, Reggae is intricately linked to worshiping a deity. Rap, Dancehall, Hip Hop and rock music are very popular; but most of it is about sex, partying and even brawling. Reggae is unique in that it is a mainstream kind of music that dominantly relates itself to Jah — a parody of Jehovah.

Most youth recoil at any mention of church singing. It is not because they are wicked. Tunes in houses of God are extensions of the rigid spirit in European religion. But this same partiers would bob their heads and swing their bodies to a reggae tune whilst even chanting, “Jah, Rastafari, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” This is because, whereas many Christians are not tuned in to the inspration of the Holy Spirit, reggae is a strategy from Satan himself. And as he is serious about finishing as many souls as possible, the devil infuses several philosophies into this tune from Jamaica, creating a near perfect imitation of the true and living Christ.

The first effective Anti Christ spirit of Rastafarianism, reflected in reggae, is that it made God to be a living man — and not an Anglo Saxon male living in the clouds. European slave holders blasphemed God by making him seem racist and only impressed with the high class. The devil, who was behind this tainting of Jesus’s reputation, turned around and gave an alternative form of blasphemy. Thus Rastafarianism is a pit of crooked wisdom. It is lies fronting as truth by overriding a preceding fraud — which is very enticing to anyone who is oblivious of this fact: Even if we behold Jesus as a man, in visions and impressions, he is the same power of beholding.

The Anointed King is still living — the renewing cycles any creature moves and breathes in. Ras Tafari is dead and has never been a messiah. But humanity is tired of a distant deity who is hoarded by a clique. Thus Satan enters the church to make it a den of adultery, of competition and comparison based on carnality. After making ‘the light of the world’ as disgusting as possible to the human psyche, the devil draws many to a sweet poison, which is only thrilling because no one can stand the dictator sitting on a throne in the clouds, delegating his strict rituals through Bishops and priests.

Heaven is a place and the Father sits on the throne. And pastors are crucial, the reason they should have zero malice. However, as Jesus pointed out, the Kingdom of God is in us, the temples of Jehovah. The Father should be living inside us as he is literally the purpose of life. Any sense of having a destiny is a person, who has to torment his own heart to maintain ours. But why? Because he is giving, offering and gifting, without limits. Jesus is the express image of this genius. Christ exalted this mystery of existence when he gave his own flesh and blood to redeem enemies of Jehovah into his inheritors.

If we don’t magnify the living word of God, we allow people to be trapped by such fads as reggae. And the second part of this ‘sensation’ makes it a very enticing Anti Christ movement is its lyricism and beat, which creates a feeling of thrilling symmetry. Jamaican creole, as many Language experts have noted, is a hyper melodic form of English. For instance, ‘boy’ is pronounced as ‘bwoy’ and ‘what’s going on’ as ‘what a gwine’. This is an effect of centuries of oppressor-oppressed relationships between the slave master and slave in Jamaica. As the Bakra (white) slave driver stole from the African exiles their language and imposed his own, the children of slaves decided to re invent this imposed tongue by making it a song.

Music is wired into our spirits as Jesus created — assembled — all shapes and textures in rythms. And in music is orality, which creates clarity. Reggae not only uses a very hyper melodic words, but its syncopations are almost symmetrical, evoking a sense of never ending surprise — mystery. And just by the manner it uses organs, electric guitars, trumpets and drums, reggae harmonizes almost all sounds that represent creation to adore Ras Tafari.

Most of the church music has for long time been a projection of a fear filled Pharisee spirit — such that anyone listening to the sounds feel it as monotonous and full of pity partying. But this is because music should be worship, which should be a hyper creative session of intoxication. After getting high on Ganja, reggae musicians tap into muses (principalities) of melody making which are other worldly. Meanwhile, the church full of adultery — which is animal affection — produces very lukewarm music.

Not only is reggae ecclectic, it is also a rythmical personality which flows from bellies to ears. This is exactly who the Holy Spirit is — the clarity who should flow from our diaghrams as springs of living water. Life, as Jehovah revealed when blowing his breath into Adam, is the wind of God. He flows in a distinct clear pattern which is intoxicating, with no beginning and end. Therefore, the third aspect of reggae is its ability to make a fake (shadow) God to daily enter and exit people whilst they love it.

Chanting is also resident in music performed by Hindus and Bhuddists. In fact Bangra Music, is very catchy because it is an extension of Hindu traditional music. But most Bollywood hits are romantic numbers. Reggae is distinct in its openly spiritual nature. And this darkness multiplies itself in a chain reacting manner, such that anyone who hears the chugging and skipping, which is dedicated to a shadow called Rastafari, wants to drink sweeter cups of spiritual fornication. Substituting the comfort of the Holy Spirit for any other spirit is adultery. Can the true divinity be inside reggae? Only if it praises the name — personality — of Jesus. And this is not just mentioning, “I love you Jesus,” over and over again. True adoration is cherishing the person who rearranges his tongue, eye and ear, in anguish, to be the power — the renewing energy — in every tongue, eye and ear.

If you adore the person in even your emotions, a new tune is created, even when the adoration starts in a melody and style created by an anti Christ spirit. Jesus is salvation — salvaging — conversion. This person who is any process overrules any melody on the basis of this judgment: do the lyrics or rythm in the song evoke multiplication of this same pitch and harmony in any direction, until infinity? The glory of God broods over minds and ears which question the eternal value of any audio or visual — which is what worshiping in truth and Spirit is. This ecstacy, electricity and intoxication seals a worshiper from the sweetness of shallow composition and perfomance — exposing any beautyful tune that does not exalt Jesus as petty.

And the mouths behind the pettiness are guilty because of this fact: eternal aching sustains the seasonal power in singers; instead of them reciprocating this gift to their creator who has no beginning and end, they waste it in praising creatures. Elohim is incomparable, the reason all honour belongs to him. And to truly adore this being who is every beginning and end, we should exalt his omnipresence. The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit uphold all things, even the destiny of our foes and former lovers — which is for us to meet in heaven.

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