By Faith; by Compassion; by Worship

“By faith,” Jesus (the head of his body) tells his body, “You have no other option but yield to my Holy Spirit and listen to the wonderful counsellor he is; for this is his hour of hours, his showing of showings of what being kings and priests of God is, which is this: being compasses of compassion in all nations who fight the good fight of faith that gifts love to ‘no-ones’ which creates worship of the healed souls to their lover – who is God.” Essentially, the chapter in the book of Hebrews, which chimes ‘by faith so and so did this and that,’ has been wrongly chimed by chiming churched hoards. Faith is not a bite in the gut that pinches you too sweat ‘look-at-how- I-am-me’ deeds. Faith is simply the stuff which is faintly seen in the Red Cross.

The parable of the good Samaritan, which underscores that a foreigner who has grace on you is more a neighbour to you than a native of your nation who is full of himself, is the inspiration even behind a major secular organization of relief. Nonetheless, good management of societies, especially the patience and humility that averts wars, can avert the need for aid relief in many places. The innovation behind a just and peaceful society, which naturally leads the community to prosperity, is the faith which shows that prevention is better than cure; this is the gist behind cautions by Jesus against actions that will lead a person to hell: some disasters have no rescuing, and the bottomless pit, which faith prevents, is to pursue anything other than the love who became all principles of nature.

Dead faith, as the apostle James puts it, is like that of the hot shots in the parable of the Good Samaritan. In modern times, Sadducees (who cherry pick verses from the bible to gloat how they have tickled the tyrant seating on the heavenly throne until he has no other option but to hammer them with double portion blessings) even use the book of James to justify their circus: of flashing their devotions in public in elaborate fashion; whilst they ignore the hurting until they mock or are irritated by the gifts of the Holy Spirit which the oppressed need.

If you decide to listen to Jesus, you would quit hunting verses to toast to any agenda that tickles your fancy; eventually you would start studying whole passages in the bible, and ultimately you would understand this truth; in summary, the whole epistle of Yakov is announcing the coming of divine retribution to a world whereby there is chronic unjust remuneration for the downtrodden, who remain in lack even if they work very hard. And he bemoans how this obsession to rip off the weak as much as you can rip them off has even infected the church, which is just full of strife and scandals, a fact which questions whether these believers in God have any faith at all in the one true God; they are no different from predatory pagan people. Jesus, Jacob underscores, lived and died to be balm to the unfortunates, and he only did so because he cultivated such a clean heart in himself so that he could access any supernatural relief for the oppressed from heaven.

The brother of Yeshua, by essentially reforming hearts, champions this fact: godly intentions manifest as omnipotent ministry. This shows that the kind of ‘don’t mess with our club’ fuming by the Pharisees, is the sort which flies make when interrupted from feasting on faeces. To be fair, traditions are essential in heritage, as patterns, which are behind symmetry, are exquisite repetitions; nonetheless treadmill rituals, which are behind the sport of spitting on others to feel sweet, are stale revelations—a party in decomposition. People feel like people only when they feel as if they are getting newer (interesting) and newer (interesting), which is evident by the depression some people have when they feel aged.

As all of us are going to grow old, the only way to live is to know that the real you, which is your spirit, can become newer and newer every day even as your body is magnetized to the dust dusk after dusk. Life is to be in touch with your spirit, and your spirit is not a paper weight carbon copy of your meaty self but actually the real tangible you, which your eroding rubbery covering is ignorant about and wants to be clueless about — because it dominates your soul, until your psyche thinks it is flesh and blood, only in foolishness. Essentially, if you regard your essence as your body, you ignore your core and that is why if you are told to love your neighbour as you love yourself, you will avoid strangers as you avoid yourself.

This is the reason faith is simply this: identifying your spirit, its essence, its environment, its origin and its destiny. The eleventh chapter in the book of Hebrews which chimes, “by faith so and so did this and that,” , is essentially announcing this, “By rightly identifying himself or herself as a spirit so and so did this act to honour the origin and destiny of all spirits who is our father in heaven. This perception of people as spirits, as Jesus showed when he spoke to a Samaritan woman (at a time when Jews and Samaritans avoided one another), is the worship which the Father in Heaven is looking for and is manifested in the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Worship is not singing in a building in between shouting amens to a speech from a sage on a podium; in fact any Sunday service is meant to inspire you to worship the Holy Spirit when encountering strangers: perceiving their spirits and the condition of these spirits, and thereafter using nourishment from the heaven in you to renew these wonders. This is why a believer who truly believes does not ask whether a service has blessed him or her; the true disciple examines whether the assembling has equipped him or her to minister to any identity.

When Jesus talked to the Samaritan woman about true worship, he asked her for an act of compassion, and he praised the centurion for believing that the spring of living fountains he offered to the Samaritan woman and could heal the centurion’s child, could teleport at his mere voiced command. This is because Abram became Abraham only because Sarah’s womb was created anew by the genius in resurrection, which is the Holy Spirit, so as to conceive Isaac and start Israel.

The true Israel is the bloodline of faith, a nation, from all nations, of spirits born by trusting the wonder who framed the universe by his word. All the ‘unreasonable’ commands Jesus gives such as ‘turning the other cheek’ or ‘giving to anyone who asks’ are only myths to minds which don’t understand this: Christ is not urging bodies to sweat out their own acts of heroism; Jesus is waking up spirits within himself to activate the omni-inventiveness he has without limits. Some Christians even pontificate, ‘we are not the Red Cross’ to suggest they are prudent managers of limited resources which cannot just be given to no ones who cannot repay the favour — as if Jesus has ever asked them to clean their accounts so as to pay hospital bills whilst buying food for bums; the Holy Spirit (and he is going to illustrate this comfort) is too rich with his own gifts of providence and healing; he does not need even one shilling from a man or woman.

And this oneness of the Trinity is quenched by many gatherings in the name of Jesus. This is because many brethren think they are supporting Jehovah Jireh by their offerings; a lot of churchgoers even boast that they are cornerstones to churches because of the notes they give to their pastor. Money, as seen in areas with proper roads and sewage services, can organize a community well if properly managed: but God regards even a million dollar offering to him as good as rubble if it is given so as to impress him with how ‘huge’ it is. This is why the height of fraud now on earth is this teaching, “The kingdom of God needs millionaires so as to be worked on earth and that is why there is a heavy anointing to become filthy rich.”

The only function for a lot of extra money is to wipe out slum-like conditions on earth whilst investing in innovation and invention—whilst making reasonable profit: more cash in many people’s hands (rather than a few fat cats) registers on the local economy in a continuous cycle — as the lower classes tend to spend the extra money as they get it — in native industries. And the call for donations in the name of God from a clean heart is perfectly holy, for it triggers this wonder: it rewards believers an opportunity to join their seasonal and (eventually vain labour) into the eternal work of saving souls. Nonetheless, taking of souls to heaven is only undertaken with the abilities that make you exclaim, “What the…l!”

This is why it is hot air for any mouth to use the thirteenth chapter of the first epistle of Paul to the Corinthians to claim, “I don’t speak in tongues for I don’t pursue weirdness; this is because I am content to have spiritual fruit, the most important of things.” Simply put it, prophecies, which are about divine promising, are spiritual leaves; and they are followed by the flowers of miracles in the process of bearing eternal fruit that become moral seed for another generation or region. You cannot harvest any agricultural goody which has not passed its leafy and flowery stage. Any result which has not been produced by a pledging from the Holy Spirit, and which is confirmed by his paranormal working, is a mess of the flesh, even if it insists it is a harvest of heaven, and if it is planted in another era or area it will slowly sprout poison into the carefulness that makes us different from monsters.

Divine prophecy, clear from the hall of fame in Hebrews 11, guides you not to be rash, building your trust in the unseen God who would turn around overwhelming physical obstacles so as to prove he has a relationship with you – so that you encourage people from another time or place to have a covenant with this same one and true creator who is eternal and above physical understanding. This is why most assemblies, which convince themselves that they don’t need the wow workings of Pentecost, are either trees which have poisoned themselves so much that they are dying are or are stumps which have been axed from the stem that is Christ.

Togetherness is noble but only in the right spirit. If you see a molehill buzzing with flies, you assume it is a stinking pile. Frankly, your body, which has the temperament of a fly or pig, loves to feast on the filth of others – to rejoice on the mistakes made by others. It is easy for a gang to fool themselves that they are not buzzing nibblers of stool, as flies also hover around unwashed wounds or bodies or food. And people who retort, “Being a sheep — as Jesus wants his disciples to become — is demeaning to me as I prefer to be a lion or even a dog — for a carnivore can fight for itself,” are probably flies.

Sheep, along with other ‘kosher’ animals like cows, are used by the all-intelligent creator of all nature to denote the temperament which makes humans humane, due to this fact: it is easy to lead sheep to browse on healthy vegetation so that it ultimately provides meat which has no toxins, along with the wool that has kept people warm for many generations. Every animal alive today has a purpose for its walking on the earth and being a believer is not being a wiper of any species you believe is evil. For instance, as Christians, we could stone snakes when we come across them so as to defend ourselves; but we would be anti-christs if we start hunting for snakes so as to ‘purge evil from the earth’. However, even if lions are good for looking at from a far whilst dogs may be toys to many people, Jesus is not eager to make you his pet or his guard or his dangerous exhibition. The father in heaven is looking for worshipers and eating the meat of an animal whilst keeping warm with its covering perfectly denotes what spiritual intercourse is.

Worship is offering your inner essence to refresh another being, the reason adultery was a capital punishment in the Old testament and the reason many fools condemn themselves by invoking situations and verses of the Old Testament (even from the book of Proverbs) to rubberstamp their feelings. No one, as Apostle Paul reiterates over and over again, can be justified by keeping the rules written in the Torah or the Prophets or the Psalms the Proverbs. The law in itself is Holy, and lawlessness is the strength of the antichrist spirit; but ordinances are only meant to smash to smithereens the ‘know-it-all’ arrogance in all people — that makes them think they can hurt other humans and trumpet how no one can do anything to them. The warning by law practitioners, “ignorance is no defence,” — which shows that a person can be busted by chains which he or she doesn’t even know are hovering around him or her — shows that you need to be one with a guide who knows all the hazards of time, space and matter.

Basically, rules, as they are meant to be broken, are designed to grind their keeper and never stop crushing him. Illustrative is this fact, if you were ordered, “Don’t read this sentence,” you would peruse the statement even ten times, such that, “don’t have any other God’s before me,” is a directive that opens a floodgate of false gods in the one whom the caution is flashed at. The Ten Commandments, as seen in the futile search for comprehension in Hindu cosmology, is meant to undertake this makeover in you: make you appalled at the ridiculous nature of your psyche, convict you to endeavour to destroy its craziness and consequently drive you to seek a genius to create it anew. This informs the promise made to Israel after their bowing down to Baal and other idols until they became as dumb as the statures they hailed as their guardians; Jehovah pledged to them: “I will violently scatter your cruel oneness to many nations so that you suffer the grinding characters of cultures which admire stones; and thereafter you will thirst for the true worship in me which makes people love each other as they adore themselves; this is when I will gather you back to my land so as to write my laws in your heart and mind, such that you would no longer need ‘wardens-in-my-name’ to wag fingers at you.”

Essentially, as evidenced by wrinkles, even time will warn you, “Search out your mojo of mojos before it’s too late,” the reason adults try to cover up their guilt of (being unsure of their worth) through parenthood. Every second you live is meant to shout, in emotions such as envy and loneliness, ‘you are inadequate’. Men and women even immerse themselves in addictions so as to silence this never ending accusation – by all principles of reality. And many ‘testimonies’ of born agains, which detail a litany of evil acts they were lost in before they were rescued by Jesus, sound like ‘ritual religious reports’ because they don’t explain this reality: the terrible habits the ex-sinner engaged in were defensive reactions to merciless prosecutions by the court of life . The good news behind this immanent indictment is that it is merely meant to knock sense into you; you were born to embrace the grace of Jesus Christ with all of your heart and soul.

Grace has many meanings, but its core definition is not ‘un merited favour’ but ‘omni-inventiveness’, such that a human was born to be able for instance to resurrect a person — that if he even kills a person by mistake, he makes a mockery of the term ‘murder’ – by raising up his ‘victim’ to a better state he was in before he was slain. Resurrection is not revival, as the latter leaves patients with physical and emotional impairments of a breaking down that took them to their near death experience. When Jesus announced being the resurrection and life, he was simply saying, “I own and embody even the purpose you think you now have.”

Ignorance of the spirit you are is not a defence of the moment you return to the spirit world and are busted by rules of eternity, which will question you, “Show us the stuff in you which can destroy and recreate us in a better dimension than we had or else we will cut and cook you and never stop roasting you.” And as many people don’t care what would happen to them once they die, these guardians of the universe, who even control the laws of nature, will kick in their interrogations in this era, as this is the time when fools have claimed being the homo who are most sentient (sapien) than homos in previous times and thus can pass tests which their ancestors were not equipped to even understand.

Jesus, who avails perfect advocating for anyone who pursues him, is the only reason you are breathing. And when castigating the generation he was among as the most wicked group that has ever popped on the earth, pointed out this fact: it was no secret, when even his critics nodded in amazement at his replies to their trick questions, that he was wiser than the Solomon whom Queen Sheba was so eager to learn from (because of his unbounded fame) that she travelled from Ethiopia to Israel — to admire the King in person. Most of the listeners of Jesus, even if they were amazed at his miracles, did not meditate on this his core message: clear from his healing of lepers, he was the giver of life (or at least embodied the mystery of breathing); but even if he raised a million Lazaruses, he would be a failure if he was unable to copy himself in anyone who was willing to allow him to — so as to gift humanity givers of life in all nations. This is the reason he said, “You have heard it said…but now I say this.”

And today Jesus is announcing to many ‘members of his own body’, “You have heard it said (and you keep on yapping) that there are curses from your ancestors (or enemies) which are shackling you (mostly from tasting a vanity you are coveting); but now I say that on judgment day, the same forefathers you blame for bad luck will stand in judgment against you. If your parents parents parents’ were now alive and had the opportunity to understand the Holy Spirit the way you do, they would quench all their vanity and pursue this God-on-earth with all their being — until they do greater works than I myself even did.” Essentially, many churches, who don’t contemplate on who the Spirit of God is, have ended up like latrines; they feast at the failures made by other people and epochs so as to feel chosen.

When you feed yourself with convictions that the world started being the world when you were born, your thinking becomes as edifying as excreting; the privilege of piped water, electricity and instant communications should make any Christ like soul show how this is the generation that has the duty of pouring compassion to anyone in the name and abilities of Christ; for this is the ultimate testimony to all principalities and powers in heavenly places: love, and not malicious tyranny, became all principles of nature. The hatred in idolatry, uncorked at the Garden of Eden, maddened all creation with frustration. This is clear by how a pathetic looking human being can be possessed to the omnipotent Holy Spirit (through a lifestyle of true worship) so as to be transformed from glory to glory, until his or her previous version looks like a gash allowed on the ground to provoke the building of the greatest masterpiece ever seen.

The tangible touching of the Holy Spirit by human flesh is more beneficial to the Adamic kind than the tangible touching of Jesus by human flesh, something which the messiah himself pointed out. This of course shows that Yeshua and the Holy Spirit are not competing for fans – as some souls, spawning their ‘mine-mine’ cults, have suggested. It is noble to seek answers about the mysteries of the divine nature; but it is trickery to cherry pick Biblical verses so as to cast aspersions as to whether the Holy Spirit should be worshiped–merely because this omnipotent being is now on earth and has humbled himself to be inside men and women. Such perspectives are usually from ‘disciples’ who have become Judases, using their previous or current supernatural encounters to grieve (and eventually blaspheme) the Holy Spirit — and teach their ‘followers’ to do the same.

The Trinity is simply not hungry to be bowed down to–until he explodes in wrath — by even hurling thunder bolts on earth — ‘at the partying masses who decide to have their own groovy good time instead of grovelling in front of him’. As seen in the Garden of Eden, this is the blasphemy of the trinity by the devil, which he whispers in various feelings and ideas: the creator of all creation, who likes to hide himself, is a control freak full of contradictions and thus cannot be trusted. The devil is a possession which makes people especially have misgivings about the Holy Spirit; this is because Jehovah wants the devotion in fellowship or partnership or trusteeship, and only the in filling oneness of God avails this; whatever excitement you pursue without the direction or help of this gift that has never been assembled is an illusion that will leave you empty, and because the ‘I’m me’ nature in you is too haughty to admit its vanity, it would teach other people to at least taste the same futility you have engaged in.

This lack of remorse at acts which defile the conscience is what identifies people as flies, who may be in a flock and be fat and healthy but they don’t have the bounciness you appreciate in sheep. Sheep browse and regurgitate vegetation, whilst bowing their heads, to signal that the spiritual nature eats (and meditates on) never ending revelations of compassion in continuous worship. The fleshly essence has a banquet in condemning others, in the buzz of gossip, so as to justify their own dining on carcass.

‘So-sane-than-so and so’ sweetness, as seen when Mary washed the feet of Jesus with her hair, will hate you even when it ‘loves you’. The host of the house, who didn’t even honour Jesus with the honour a guest ought to be revered with, condemned the prophetic worshiper as a sinner whereas he himself was a practical trickster. Simon was pretending to dine ‘the miracle worker he was impressed with’ whereas he was just studying ‘the weakness of the controversial rabbi’ so as to report the ‘hidden moral foibles of the young upstart’ to the Sanhedrin. This is because the ‘I’m better than you’ chest thumpings seen in pubs are no different from ‘I’m holier than thou’ singing in churches.

In truth, the ritualist, patting his or her own back over and over, cannot sense this hunch: he or she is just licking the ripening (the reason it ever needs washing) of his or her own body in its own fluids. Water, which symbolizes compassion from heaven, makes the gathering of people in one place palatable. If you don’t daily wash your conscience with the Good Samaritan parable, you would not discern (smell out stink) any immorality — as a fly rejoices in decay. This is why Jesus actually saves in making us breathe in the ever new fragrances of the Holy Spirit is and thereafter yielding to wherever the aromas of newness he embodies wishes to blow. And his great commission is simply this: his refreshing which gushes a variation of function produces the worship of injecting purpose, which is the revelation of how the perfection who is God partners with the imperfect creatures we are so as to perform exquisite refurbishments to broken psyches. In this worship, we are transformed into the masterpiece the trinity has been and will always be.

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