Beginning in Ending

‘Plan’, which is ‘organization that encompasses a beginning and end’, does not make sense in God — as he has no beginning or end. ‘Plan’ is for creation, and only Jesus, the beginning in any ending ( renewal) of space, time, matter and created spirits, reveals the mystery of how God, who has no beginnning or end, has become the plan we are.

It does not make sense for omniscience, who is omnipresent, to plan — aim at anything — as ‘all knowing’ knows everything at the same time, having no limits. Sequence does not make sense in omnipresence.

That is why the Holy Spirit comes in the name of Jesus and as the equivalent of Jesus — as he cannot be understood to mankind (who live sequentially) if he comes outside Jesus. This is the same way the son of God and God the Father cannot be understood to us outside of Jesus. But the plan in Jesus, who is the Holy spirit, is not that simple. This is because Jesus, the mercies who is new every morning, has many second chances, which are only known to him and which are only offered for his honour.

‘Jesus’, meaning ‘salvaging’ or ‘redeeming’ or ‘reconciliation’, is ‘Plan B’. The act of ‘restoring glory’ assumes the original glory is lost. But Jesus is the Plan B who becomes better than the lost Plan A, the reason it is unjust for the second Adam he is to be compared to the first Adam.

Christ makes the salvaging or reconciliation of any situation become better than the ‘original’. He gives new situations even if they echo the lost ones. But he never gives new people after losing other people, contrary to most ‘let-them-go-as- they-are -dispensabe’ messages.

Christ never tones down his hard teachings, thus if you don’t want to eat and drink him, he will not change the fact that he must be eaten and drunk continually. Many people must be offended by him, even if he is the good shepherd who never wants to lose even one sheep, even if he has ninety nine sheep.

Jesus aims to make everyone new, wanting us to shed the old — hard hearted — version of ourselves, so that we all become one communion of the Holy Spirit — one network of God’s planning.

And the salvaging in Jesus is paralyzed if our most intimate confidante or companion or advisor is not the Holy Spirit, who is the plan in him. And this twin of the son of God is comforting guidance. Jesus can now appear on earth, but only around the heaven availed by true worshipers, the same way he appeared only to his believers after his ressurection.

If his body physically appears to sinners, it has to be violent to their sinful bodies and sight, the way he did to Paul. The body of Christ enforces judgment, the reason he took his physical presence out of the earth — so that the Holy Spirit can convict sinners of sins whilst guiding and comforting believers. Thus it does not make sense to Jesus for any ‘just a good friend’ to be our comforter and confidante.

Jesus himself took his perfect body out of the earth so that the comforter that is the Holy Spirit comes on earth. The guidance of the spirit, who joins and rejoins us to one another in partnership, makes us bond in sincerity and humility. This is because ‘beginning and end of omniscience’, who is a person, is complex upon complex upon complex.

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