Porn: Anti Christ Wedding

Pornography is the biggest idol of this generation. Sex sells and money, to the carnal mind, makes the world go round. Porn, which is the accentuating of copulation, either by images or by sounds, is the chief principality that now governs humanity. Because the King of Kings is soon coming, demonic hoardes, which manipulate souls by making them idolize their bodies until they end in hell, are doing their best to finish as many souls as possible. Eros is now encrypted even in news presentation, whereby shows a sexy anchor is paraded to attract viewers. Even milk and bread commercials, sometimes use sexual allusions — to attract the grown up who does the shopping. The devil, influencing most of the media, is passionate to distort this fact: we are the men and women who must be chaste brides of Christ so as to glorify his soon coming.

Obsession with genitals is in most cases directed at men — as they are more sexually excited than women. Any man who claims he has not struggled porn is lying as most smut, flashing the nudity of women, is directed towards the male mind. Even in films which parade heterosexual acts, the female participant is cast as the main attraction, a fact highlighted by her exaggerated wild cries, meant to arouse manly lust to the fullest. Essentially, erotica mainly worships the body of a woman whilst trashing the value of the eternal soul that powers her genitals and breasts — which are dying.

Erotic exhibition entices an onlooker to internalize ever grabbing self satisfaction. And as it is a multibillion dollar industry, the flashing of images and sounds of copulation is intricately linked to prostitution, which is mere mutual masturbation. Actors of adult films are just male and female whores. And the whore motif, as the Apostle John pointed out, is the pattern of godless world connections. This is whereby men and women form a global network without honouring (and even hating) their creator. Porn is self centred sex — intimacy which refuses to affirm that God sustains all virility, in muscles and body fluids.

And in reducing coitus as a service to be traded, porn mostly denigrates girls. Consumers of smut regard women as sweet but disgusting animals who are disposable. However, some women are also inflamed by men’s bodies, lusting after virile men with big sexual members. These girls are also worshiping pleasure whilst belittling men into brutes who exist to just stimulate them. Pornography celebrates fleshly sensations — which are temporary — whilst trashing the spiritual worth of humanity; it is a complex ideology that has been concocted from hell.

However, no gate of hell should prevail against the true kingdom of God. Jesus promises that when we truly internalize how he is the son of God, no demonic influence can chain us. Smut is now ravaging the world because people don’t realize what being the son of God really means. The Father-Son title of the trinity is not like the earthly one. A human father regards his son as a creature that was once not around. Conversely, as the maker of heaven and earth is eternal, the son of God is not an entity that has ever be non-existent. Jesus is the inheriting — transmitting — element of all reality, from everlasting to everlasting. The Father is the giving force of life, willingess itself. The Holy Spirit is the forming glory of reality — the reason he had to manifest in the womb of Mary for the son of God, who inherits all humanity eternal life, to be able to become the son — the destiny — of man.

Essentially, the virgin birth explains everything wrong with porn. Jesus, the King of eternity, manifested on earth to testify of this truth: all sex, even if mindblowing, produces dying creatures that are destined to go to hell. Only an offspring produced by God’s intermingling with a woman’s womb is of any use to mankind. Contrary to what pastors claim, sex was never meant to be enjoyed in marriage; copulation is designed as a teaching tool about the conception of the Holy Spirit. The sweetness in sex is meant to show us that the peak of bodily pleasure is deceiving. When aging kicks in, all sexy love evaporates away. Yet our emotions are eternal, meant to be satisfied forever. No man can comfort a woman with caresses and touches (and vice versa). This is because our bodies are limited and dying. Only the infilling — intercoursing — of the Holy Spirit can comfort us.

The virgin birth is not about baby Jesus or even his mother as the two Mary didn’t know what was truly going on at the manger. Christmas is about the exaltation of the Trinity, whereby the Holy Spirit, the gift from the heavenly father, was being inherited to humanity through the son of God. Christianity which fails to highlight this fact, as illustrated by the Catholic Church, produces a church full of paedhophiles and fornicators. Many ‘saints’ are compromising with evil because they are oblivious of this mystery: Mary’s body was living in the inheriting or perpetuating nature of the son of God even whilst delivering the baby called Jesus — the reconciler of man and God.

Jesus was born by a virgin bride because he will rule the heaven and earth with men and women who are collectively his virgin bride. The virgin at heart is a person with no guile or malice; Jesus is searching for humans who have no iniquity. Unfortunately, most Christians think that they must do good works so as to SAVE AND REWARD themselves. Thus, the ‘getting holy’ message is being perverted. This is why the world regards most Rapture Watchers as escapists.

Scoffers of the rapture are hellbound; Christians should not be perturbed by their skepticism. However, Jesus himself is also asking the church, “Are you really ready?” And many dreams and visions warn that the bride may be now drowned by the world (sea), and surrounded by serpents (deceiving doctrines). The devil is infiltrating even churches which preach holiness and the second coming. And this is simply by sowing iniquity, an unjust heart. Jesus never came to save himself and this is the same attitude his bride must have. All of us, even people who have never had sex, cannot understand what being a virgin bride is. This is because merely drooling is fornication or adultery. Most, if not all, adolescent girls and boys, even if sexually inactive, are filled with demons of fornication — by longing to sleep with celebrities or crushes.

This is why Jesus has been warning about most TV watching and ‘dating’. But the uncleaness of adultery is not a matter of sexuality only. Most people think coitus is meant to be enjoyed in marriage. It is not. Sex is designed to be a fleeting pleasure which is a potential hazard. It is a sweetness which must be carefully managed and eventually forsaken. If understood from this perspective genital stimulation is created to exalt why the communion of the Holy Spirit is the only way to truly be intimate and satisfied. Copulation is self gratifying, even when between husband and wife, as it is a matter of exciting pleasure. This is why husbands mostly claim they are being denied their rights. If it was a matter of love, how come one partner is unsatisfied or not in the mood?

Thus the virgin motif is meant to show that the bride of Christ must completely cut herself from the self centred philosophy of the physical world, which is mostly centred around sex. The bride must be in tune with the heart of Jesus, which is forever giving. The church should not treat being holy as a means to fulfill her own needs and ambitions. Repentance is a matter of surrendering all ego and pleasures to Christ, at any cost. Pursuing Jesus, even in pain, rejection and problems, becomes the pleasure. All heavenly comforts and privileges become additions.

The earthly marriage is an idolatrous passion between two people, centred around having sex and companionship. Couples get together so as to rub their bodies whilst having enough money to sustain their lifestyles. Men and women mostly get hitched because of getting mindblowing experiences and a honorouble reputation in society. Conversely, the heavenly marriage is based on knowing the person called God at all costs, whereby we sacrifice our own interests so as to give life to all people, especially the sick, crippled and poor. The holy bride must exalt the sanctity of life and personalities, loving even enemies. Jesus died for us because anyone, no matter how deformed or ugly or useless he or she looks, is priceless. And this is the mind the true Bride must have.

Our groom, the son of God, is the cycle of life. And reality is a recycling (reconciling) pattern — this is why when manifesting as a man, whilst still upholding all things, the word of God had to be called Jesus — redeeming or salvaging one. We must therefore affirm that Jesus is our circuit of replenishing, such that even food and drink become his body and blood. Consequently, no perverse things can come to us. The son of man(kind) is the renewing miracle of our bodies, including our genitals and eyes. Fornication becomes a crime of misusing Christ in us. And most people are wild creatures because of being ensnared by this biggest root of pornography: the theory evolution.

Darwin’s grand narrative of change denounces the primacy of a person behind any biological process. ‘Oops, life just wonderfully happens by natural selection’ is the mantra of evolution. Thus unbridled lust is seen as just an impersonal wild natural urge that humans should purge out of their system. “You are all fluids, all muscles and all bones in my body,” a Christian must affirm to Jesus, asking him to control the body. This is how Christ becomes our Lord. But if you believe any part of evolutionary theory, you will see emotions as impersonal mysteries, disconnected from your personality or that of God. Porn, unbeknownst to most people, is being funded by the education system; secular wisdom downplays how God sustains everything that he himself created.

And the pornographic nature of mainstream knowledge is simply seen in this fact: evolution praises how a marathon of copulations between different species, over millions of years, produced every creature on earth. Conversely, the creation model exalts the will, word and spirit of God. Life was spoken into existence in the span of a week, not slowly copulated into reality over millions of years. This shows that ‘educated ‘ people who support Darwinist speculations are full of perversity. And the root of the evolutionary theory was Greek philosophy, a culture of lasciviousness — a fact highlighted by Paul in his letter to the Corinthians.

Porn is ancient, and it always tries to blot out how Jesus is the moving force in the ecosystem. When we internalize how our all of our fluids and limbs belong to Christ, he himself controls the discharging of these fluids and moving of these limbs. Immorality is self gratification. And wickedness is thriving because Christians are not the light of the world. We should regard our bodies as belonging to Jesus. He himself should kill all our egos and lusts such that we marry people who should fulfill our heavenly missions.

Most Christians nowadays enter into marriage to solely fulfill their lusts and egos. This is the same rationale of porn. Obviously, Jesus will never bless any marriage based on a pornographic mindset. Married couples should repent of any self will that joined them together, asking God to remove all their self gratifying agendas — the only way they can be fully filled with his spirit. Single people should pray to God to purge off themselves all vain ambitions. Women should be willing to be joined to men who conventionally look weak or poor, as long as a man has forsaken all his worldly honour until he is willing to even die for Jesus. Christian single men should be open to be joined to women who are plain looking or who are of an advanced age or who have children from previous relationships — as long as the woman grasps the same revelation of God the man does. Porn, which fuels adultery, is a reflection of a marriage culture that is based on selfcentredness. When Jesus joins a man and woman, he himself will fund and care for it, making a couple loyal to each other, in mind, heart and action.

As the Lord of Lords is the controller of all forces, any rebellion against him is an attempt to void his nature; self will is plotting to murder God. To live, we must make everything about Jehovah. And this specifically concerns marriage. God uses the bride groom and bride motif to test how much our hearts are in tune with his purposes. This is why the rapture, which is an event that happens abruptly in the blink of an eye is like a wedding. Ultimate salvation is the perfect partnership of intoxicating passionate hearts — something which the sensual marriage barely tastes.

Adam was a god-like creature. God only encased him in an animal covering so as to examine and refine his heart. Elohim created the first man with a dual nature to make him chose these two options: Would he discern that he is a spirit who was meant to be joined (married) to the The Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Conversely, would he act like an animal, longing to just be paired like other creatures — who have no spirits? Because Adam when beholding Eve never uttered, “An express copy of the eternal Jehovah — like I am,” he was not making his existence to be only about his creator. Adam thought life revolved around himself; that is why, when gazing at Eve, he said,”Bones of MY bones and flesh of MY flesh.”

My-Mine-Me-I perspective is the epitome of evil. As all flesh and bones must forsake us — because they are not the real us — Adam made Eve became an illusion — which is a trap. When she enticed him to eat the forbidden fruit, she was merely manifesting what Adam had distorted her into being. This explains why many marriages and potential marriages are full of stress and disillusionment. The carnal mind says, “I look for a mate who compliments ME and fulfills MY dreams.” Because Jesus is also looking for a bride, the world, which loves Satanism, is now celebrating self centred eros — so as to pollute the divine concept of a bride and bride groom.

Most popular shows and songs are centred around a man and woman who are on various stages of ‘making love’ — arousing, flattering, comforting, marrying and pleasurizing each other. Conversely, the bride of Christ, like her lord, denies herself, takes up the cross and learns the same obedience to God Christ underwent. Worldly marriage is about puffing up the flesh; the heavenly marriage is about dying to self. A godly wife and husband are partners in warring against their carnal compulsions. And Jesus is warning us; many Christians who think they are rapture ready are in for a rude shock. This is simply because men have a carnal gaze towards women, and vice versa.

When looking for spouses, current humanity favour people who please the eyes and will enable a pampered existence. But Jesus, when searching for a spouse, only looks for broken and pure hearts. Christ is not impressed by how good we look. On the same note, only Christians who pursue the heart — not the outward appearance — of their lord are pleasing enough to him to attend the marriage supper of the lamb. “Wow, how wonderful you are oh Lord. You are clothed with majesty and light, and brilliant beyond description,” many saints express in worship. This adoration is holy, but as long as it is not just a manifestation of being impressed by what our eyes can envision God is. If we only love the appearance of our Lord we are too shallow to partake of the rapture. This is the kind of worship the bride of Jesus must now express: “Our Father in heaven, how caring you are that you have been my every breath even when I was stealing, lying, fornicating and denying you; and you are so patient that you are still even the same vitality in my abusers and backbiters. I am humbled that even my enemies are your prodigal children who are the apple of your eye.”

Essentially, God, who is a consuming fire, flames his whole essence, to emanate all life. Nobody bribes or intimidates him to support anything. God can make any of his despisers collapse at any moment — in the same manner he made Korah and his gang to be swallowed by the earth. This is the perspective of mercy and justice; it exposes the westernized world, which thinks believing in God is primitive, as clueless spoiled children. And the damnation of humanity is evil only because of this reason: it rips apart the heart of their heavenly father. God is love, especially in his anger against sin and lukewarmness; wickedness seperates us from him, yet if anyone is disconnected fom God, that person becomes as good as dead. Therefore the true bride of Christ goes around asking, “Why are you not talking or singing about Jehovah? He is the mystery who burns his essence to sustain your existence, second after second.” The unbeliever of course typically retorts,”There is no proof that God even exists or is near me. How dare you claim a spirit flames his frame, whilst feeling every agony, to make me who I am?” And when a person spouts such cynicism, the Holy Spirit steps in with signs and wonders, to inform the cynic of this reality: A human being only exists to appreciate how Jehovah is the unseen consuming fire that powers him; and if any person desists from this vocation, he is going to sustain his life by burning on his own self forever — in hell and the lake of fire.

The Fire of God is the miracle of life, producing lightnings, all creatures and all movements. But the divine burning is not a mere physical spectacle; it is an eternal rubbing and clashing of introspection. Burning is the highest form of friction. Holy Fire is the manifestation of God interrogating every atom in his essence, from everlasting to everlasting, and finding nothing else worthy to be honoured, praised and worshiped except himself — the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is why only Christians who count even their lives as dung — for the excellency of exalting Christ — are worthy of attending the marriage supper of the lamb. Men and women must only adore the glory of Jesus in each other — not their sexy looks and wealthy positions. Our spirits are eternal layers of the same physical organs manifested as the body: a face is a contraction of faces upon faces upon faces, each depth having a unique intrigue — and each layer should be ascending and descending to the eternal countenance of God which is positioned in eternal depths of every direction. The same goes for our hearts, livers, heads, spine and feet: all of us exists to intercourse with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

A man and woman must regard each other as creatures born to obsess and gaze at only God — whereby a boy and girl gazes at every part of their bodies as dedicated to connecting to the Spirit of God, in a chain that runs to and fro to the infinite depths (secret place) where God’s essence is. This means that a husband and wife view each other as partners of worship — not lovers of each other. The same goes for any relationship — the reason Jesus demands that our love for him makes us hate every carnal connection. Jesus will only rapture men and women who confess to one another, “I will only be yoked to you if you fall in love with how I, you and everybody else are beings created to ascend and descend to the fullness of our creator in eternity.”

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August 31, 2013 · 10:15 pm

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