Wor(l)d of God

What is a text? Most people, including Christians, think it is a written piece. In reality, a text is a sequence of events that evokes a distinct persuasion, which can be in oral, film (vision) or penned forms. “Act with this poise,” a word exhorts, even in dancing.

Jesus, who is the way — persuasion — to the Father, is now giving alot of visions. These animations are not just meant to make us exclaim ‘wow’; these impressions are designed to underscore how Christ is living language. This is why a saint after speaking with his mouth to the heavenly throne in the name(personhood) of Jesus can gain an audible reply, being called by his name.

And immediately, a living answer — who ascended as our brokenhearted pleading — is the glorified Christ. We live to speak forth the Spirit in our breathing system through the son in our vitality who will bring down the will of the Father that is our reason for living.

The word of God is the son of God — not just sixty six holy books. And Jesus, who is alive, is discerned in letters, in visions and dreams about him and in the audible or still small voice.

This is the reason he is enthroned. He owns every image and stabilizes them.

All vocabularies are standards made in consensus. Thus we talk forth interpretations. We balance each other. And as expressions emanate from our creator who breathed us into life, we exist in the weighed personality that is Christ.

Therefore, any discernment which is not inspired by who this lamb (gentleness) of God (omnipotence) is, is like sitting on a crumbling stool that is swallowed by a bottomless pit.

Because we are infected with animalism, we think sitting is a posture of resting. Yet God, even if he can feel extreme tiredness, as he is omniscient, cannot be overwhelmed by toiling. Jehovah is not desperate to lean on a seat that his mere thoughts hold together.

And humanity also has perverse attitudes towards the buttocks — as this region, in our rotting suit, emits waste and is near the sexual organs — which ‘love’ songs and movies obsess about. If a man or woman would be sitting on top of us, we would feel disgusted — especially as he or she looks like a tyrant, being lazy whilst everyone is working hard. Also, people wonder when the onlooker will tire, and go to eat or to the toilet or to sleep. Thus the throne of God, to the human mind, is a sign of God’s idle refereeing of our morning to evenings.

This is the reason the Father cannot worship with us us in the carnal plane but only in spirit and truth. And to finish our sensuality, we must eat and drink the body and blood of Jesus. This is disgusting, something many Jews remarked.

Many Christians gloss over the grossness of the Lord’s supper, because they take it as a cute one off ritual they do monthly in ‘sosphisticated’ surroundings. In reality, the Passover, which is a foreshadowing of the torture on the cross, reveals that we live off God whilst being revolted by him. Eating the body and blood of Christ should repel our animal snobishness; yet this reveals that if we know the true price of our existence, which is God’s aching vitality and gentleness, we lose every appetite to continue living as we were born.

The flesh seperates us from God as it cannot inherit his kingdom. Yet Jehovah is lovesick, longing for every soul. Our animal mind seperates us from him, stinging him, the cross testifies. God is only relieved when he is one with us. When we internalize the pain and disgust behind our breathing, we ask,”Why?”. God replies, “As life is a give and take operation, I must also eat everything in you — even if you just give me sweat, urine and feaces — after gobbling every part of my body and blood whilst denying it. In this meal, I will mop off every tick-like, self rightous and stinking nature you are. However, you must also suffer any pain and humiliation that is necessary to the process.”

The last supper is the table of a covenant of exchanging natures between divinity and humanity. Rightousness is signified by the living food. Sin, in body waste, is a parasitical way of using divine approval. This is best manifested by Peter who the Catholic church, which made the passover a mere mysterious ritual, enthroned as the first Pope. Peter took for granted that Jesus knew the purpose of suffering, even if it appeared shameful. Humanity partakes the companionship of God, which is in any goodness we take. But our bodily perspective, which doesn’t pay respect that a man or a woman is a spirit who is surrounded by angels and demons, wants to think, talk and fight like a mere master animal. When overwhelmed by hostile animals, our sensual capacity denies the image — son — of God inside us — who is invincible.

This indomitable power of life in us wants us to be disgusted by how we relish but dispose him. We must be revolted by our meaty mouths, tongues and touches. This is the only way we can eat, see and talk in a spiritual plane — something best exposed by the conversations after the ressurection. “Perceive me anew,” Jesus was telling his disciples when arising from the death and feasting with them. This is whereby all the thoughts and vows they had made before the cross had to be trashed. Peter swore that he would never leave his master but quickly denied him — only because his was an animal boast. It was a loyalty given to an entity living outside his body. Conversely, the last supper reveals that Christ is the vitality and sweetness we live and move in.

Scrutiny of the gospel reveals it as a the secret to life. Carnal approaches to who the word is have reduced it into an ancient text to merely quote — without breaking it down. In reality, any word is an individual who is interpretations that are even in bread and wine. Vitamins, carbs and proteins are informations and without the rythmical breathing that proceeds from the mouth of God, all food will rot. Everything stays fresh because of the perpetual ordering of renewal on the throne of God. When God sits, he is impacting his redemption — recycling — balancing — power.

Life, all people know, is being measured. Guilt is feeling to be an over reaching being, the reason most problems in the world can and must be resolved by merely looking at Christ — which is readings, sightings and listenings which exalt how we live in a person who balances us, at all costs and out of love. But to finetune us, Jesus must ask us, “Do you really know love?” If we are sincere, we would reply like Peter,”I really don’t. You are the one who knows what adoration is. Even when you are now forgiving me, you know how much my love for you is a joke. Teach me how to make true vows.” The passion Simon expressed after Pentecost reveal that only the infilling of the Holy Spirit inspires anyone to sincerely confess to a beloved, “I love you.”

Love, the mainstream media suggests, is a longing between a man and woman. The church echoes such a folly, by claiming Jesus affirmed that God instituted a man to leave his parents and become one flesh with his wife — and no one should seperate ‘the couple of flesh which God has joined together’. Yet how can the Holy Spirit in Christ, who insists that no flesh can glory in his presence, celebrate the pairing of sweating meat he demands to be daily crucified. The sermon by Christ is meant to reveal this fact: After the fall, we live in a cycle of using and dumping each other. Until the power of the cross, which gave us the chance to be like God, we were meant to be offsprings who are controlled by our progenitors. This is until we reach a point of making our own copies. But when reproducing, the freedom in it is so tormenting that at the end of it, we should affirm, “To live like this is hell. Yet I cannot get out of this tie — as I would deserve to be killed if I leave my spouse and enjoy the fresher and sweeter bodies I pine for.”

God instituted the mingling of flesh to flesh so that the earthy ‘lovers’ can affirm that the peak of sensual affections is terrible. But after the ressurection of Christ, no pastor should ever say he is joining two human beings to become one. If you are not a passionate child of God, you have no business being a bride or bridegroom. No one should stand in front of a church altar as a mere dolled up animal being joined to a compatible mate to enjoy several more decades with, until death breaks the tie. “Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father has,” Jesus praised the discernment of who he really is by Peter. This same perceptive power is also the only thing the Lord is impressed with. Any other kind of care is Satanic, which Christ castigates, “Get behind me — be lost forever (as where is the back and front of an omnipresent person).” Any uttering not inspired by the Holy Spirit does not care about the eternity in us; it only wants to flatter, use and dump the sweet but withering meats we put on.

The church therefore is approving many marriages that Jesus has no option but to draw away from. And this is because many congregations are mere social clubs, rubberstamping animalism in the name of Christ — something highlighted by homosexual couples who insist on blessings from a priest. The matrimonial service on a Christian altar is just a ritual — bereft of the Spirit who convicts the soul of sin, rightousness and judgment. And spouses stray from their marriage beds because they never ask,”Do I really love this partner? Will I betray him like Judas did to his master so as to indulge my own greed? Or will I deny her like Peter did to Jesus when faced with the need to lay down his life? Has the Holy Spirit told me,’This is the love of your life’ or is it just my flesh speaking?” Because many people never grill themselves in this manner, romantic affections have become a wide gate to hell.

Many spouses abuse each other with neglect or insults for a lifetime, breeding bitter — and damned — individuals. This is because of pledges made by a fleshly tongue. A man, in careless jesting to his friends, might vow to never submit to a woman, even his wife. This is because such a ‘bull’ gets hitched a ‘cow’, owning, with a big dowry and alot of money, a weaker flesh to serve him. Yet marriage is only possible if it is a mutual yielding of two gods born by God — who makes possible what is impossible by human might. Also, a born again husband when single and mingling in sin, might have made vows to a flame, pledging,”I will never leave you because you are the only woman in my life whom I can’t live without.” This soul tie, which is demonic, will wreck havoc on a marriage.

The man will ever be thinking and searching for the femme fatale (or her lookalike). Such a husband will constantly verbally abuse his wife by subtly and openly unfavourably comparing the ‘Plan B’ she is to the elusive Plan A he died to spend his life with. Even if she is nowhere to be seen, such a ‘dream love’ still captivates his senses. This is because just as salvation of a human soul is gained by believing in the heart and confessing with the tongue, destruction of the same soul is also effected in the same manner.

On the same note, many women are lonely because they pledged their hearts to ‘soul mates’ — but in a sensual plane — which can never establish a faithful relationship. Many are still married to such mere fathers of their children. God can redeem such a tormenting togetherness and make it a tie of perfect empathy, but only if both parties renounce the definition of love that has attended the marriage. Also, if a woman and man are not married but share a child they desire to raise together, Jesus is willing to refine the erotic vows they have made to each other. The biggest problem with such matters is that the couple are insecure. They fear they will lose one another when Christ tells them to denounce any affection they have enjoyed — so that they love only him with everything they are(even their sexual energies) — until the sweetness they feel for each other even looks like hate.

Jesus is the spirit of reconciliation but only on his own terms. He wants us to transfer all lovesickness borne out of touching each other to the saving of human souls. This is whereby the sting of being estranged from a lover elucidates the infinite pain Jehovah feels when he loses his own children to the lake of fire. Therefore, Jesus rehabilitates couples who are fiery for making anyone make it to heaven at all costs.

And single mothers, after suffering depression after the consequent dissapointment with the ‘loves of their lives’, pledge their dawns to dusk to living for the innocent children. Other men might be attracted to them, but merely physically — the reason many dates demand to sleep with their interests before walking the aisle. The man can’t wait because he has never and will not wait for God’s guidance concerning romance. And even if the the gentleman is patient enough to have sex with his Eve only after saying ‘I do’, as his Adamic nature is possessive, he will be revolted that the woman is more tied to a child sired by a ‘rival’ than to him. The wife may curse the day she decided to be one with her ex. But agape love, and not hate, is the only way to cut carnal soul ties.

Her new soul mate may be eager to get children with her so as to rubbish a sexual shadow, from her former love, in her soul. But even after getting his own children, the husband may eventually tell himself, “I can do better. Why not just look for a woman with no or little histories with men and who can just love me completely. This ‘my better half’ is now just concerned about her children — using me as a mere paycheck?” Such a man may be obsessed about getting a virgin (which partially explains sugardaddies). He may even marry the fresh and clean rose and sire children with her. But his non-spiritual bliss, born by betraying his marriage vows, will always become bile, leaving his new dream woman as a single mother — who, after a string of subsequent failed relationships, may decide to become a sugar mammy. And the vicious cycle, a web of men and women eating and vommiting each other, goes on.

This is why even celebrity couples, who are rich, beautiful and famous, continually divorce, very fast. Only a tie brokered by Jesus stands. And Christ, who can take care of any emotional baggage, demands anyone who wants him to preside over their marriage to make this confession,”Every romantic vow I have ever made which had not been inspired by the Holy Spirit, I declare it null and void.” But before this declaration, one must retrace the emotions that proceeded these pronouncements. This is why Jesus had to ask Peter if he loved him three times, to make him investigate what he considered as love — and trash all his carnal devotions.

The word of God, who can solve all problems to their roots, is the spirit of introspection. And the full interrogation of Jesus is borne by respecting this fact: God speaks in the alphabetical or visual or audio modes. Any decoding of Christ must therefore harmonize all these three aspects. The analysis of the testimony of Jesus in the Old and New testaments should pay honour to contemporary visions and dreams about him through the orality he taught his first disciples with. Signs from the Holy Spirit ought to marry the style Christ himself used when speaking of how he is every plot of the scrolls. The news of Jesus on our lips(which must be from dawn to dawn) should knit together all the face to face encounters people are today having with him alongwith the prophecies about these incidences from Genesis to Revelation. The word of God is a person who embodies all communication.

Christ is even the messages between cell structures, something signified by how angels are around us, even if unseen. Magnification of the building blocks of life reveal that we are connections of miniscule machines that function like creatures. Perspective determines our depth of knowledge of who our creator is — which is the foundation of worship. Just as a brilliant being from a distance may seem as a mere dot, the glory of God, which is the secrets that Jesus embodies, seem nonsensical to a world that has no microscope of decoding ultimate reality. This lukewarm attitude towards God is as a result of the sin of bookishness. This is whereby we forfeit the illumination of the Holy Spirit so as to solely depend on a holy Book.

A person full of Jesus will never belittle the Bible, but in fact be a master teacher. Also, the quoting of passages of scripture, after explaining their exact context, is excellent — as it captures the original voice of the writer. But the word of God is layers upon layers upon layers of meaning; it is not the mind of any ancient prophet but the reckoning of the Holy Spirit, explaining Jesus. Unfortunately, many Christians don’t understand this because they assume that the first church had personal copies of the Torah and the prophets, which they went around quoting verbatim to each other. Conversely, some of us think that we are more evolved than the ‘primitive’ believers of the first church. In reality, the Holy Spirit wants his reckonings to be oral, even if read. This is why praying, via the audible voice, is central to being one with the genius who spoke and still speaks all life into existence.

Paul, a Pharisee, knew the written word but he likely never went around evangelizing with any copy. And the letters of his which we have are not the fullness of what he knew about Jesus. Also, the writer of Romans and other epistles must have expected replies to his penned exhortations — so as to be edified as much as he encouraged everyone else. The first disciples never regarded themselves as the superstars we have made them to be. This is because they knew that the church will be corrupted with such an attitude. In a hundred years, all of the apostles were going to die. If they didn’t make converts only listen to the gift poured on Pentecost, the followers would have quickly buckled when under pressure.

The Holy Spirit is the only person who matters in our life. When facing jailing or the sword or stonings or whips or fangs of lions, the starved and abused lovers of Jesus who refused to say,’Ceasar is Lord’ so as to save their skins relied only on the God inside them. And this invincible love is so simple that he can be understood by any illiterate person. His gifts, such as words of knowledge, operate if you let him have his way. A Maasai boy tending the cattle can be evangelized to and be immediately filled by this spirit of omniscience — who will make the child hungry to understand the Bible — but in his own ways — especially by using visions and dreams. Even Jesus, teaching orally, like Rabbis do, underscored this fact. He actually summarized all the Old Testament whilst paraphrasing it in bits — so that no one can have any excuse of misunderstanding him — claiming he was too scholarly for them. Jesus taught in parables because this is the gist of the divine method, giving illustrations in story form — which even a child can understand. Pioneer believers, even if they were mostly illiterate, are the standard of all Christianity.

And the arrogance of our generation, which is bookishness, can be seen in people such as Richard Dawkins. The celebrated atheist, after reading alot of ‘advanced books’, considers the Bible as superstitions of Bronze age herders. The church hallows the Bible but it is equally guilty. This is because we ignore that the text of God is the son of God — an individual who is alive and can appear and dissapear from us whilst controlling our actions in miraculous ways. A grave sin entered the church, whereby the priests castigated all visions and dreams as ‘heretical’ — as only the written books constituted the last word of God — a stance also taken by Muslims — when celebrating how Muhammad’s message is the last and final word of Allah.

The first disciples were largely illiterate, operating the word of God in the oral form — even if they listened to the reading of scrolls. And they highly relied on pictures of the spirit, the only reason Paul told them to be careful about the gist of any supernatural impression. “The Holy Spirit, as he also spoke through Isaiah and our Lord, has shown me a vision whereby this tragedy and fortune is going to happen to all of us…,” the first disciples preached. This was crucial as persecutions were soon going to befall them. It is tragic that most church goers are ashamed to say God personally spoke to them, only feeling holy when saying, “The Bible, in this verse and chapter, says this and that.” An atheist, such as Dawkins was tutored by a book centred religious upbringing which limited God to an ancient text . Yet Immanuel is now on earth, and can manifest even in trances.

Reading and writing, like any mass communication, was inspired by the Holy Spirit. However, the Bible is a mirror of the word — son — of God — a living person who is the embodiment of all scriptures. And Jesus chose the first church to be illiterate because he didn’t want anyone to have any excuse. No one can stand in front the great white throne and claim, “To condemn me is unfair. I never went to school, and thus I couldn’t be sure that Yeshua is the only person worthy of all praise — because only the searching of the written Bible can explain his messianic status.” Jesus can be delivered largely through the oral method, the reason he expected anyone who listened to his sermons, in audio form, to chose or refuse eternal life. The Lord of Lords anticipated the arrogance of our endtimes. The passion of ancient saints, people who mostly couldn’t read and write, shames the lukewarm Christianity of our ‘schooled’ era.

And as our system of education has reduced us into creatures of specialization, we try to quarantine Jesus to a neat religious box. Thanks to the factory life of capitalism, aspects of life are divided as disciplines. Yet reality is a person. ‘God’ means ‘everything’. We simply are a generation of chasing ideas so that, as the most smart users of resources, we party with gadgets or goodies we have assembled. Yet if we want to feel alive we must go to Christ — not have a delicacy or have a holiday or watch a movie or go on a trip. The sights and sounds of the spirit world are captivating beyond comprehension. No money is enough to make you experience the intoxication or bliss you can feel when beholding or entering the heavenly realm. Yet such an experience is free and opened to anyone, no matter their age or social status.

This is why the Holy Spirit is now incensed. We are wasting him. As he can only do what he desires, lest our wants defile his purity of zeal, he freezes all his goodness when we try to control or order him. This gift poured on Pentecost on all flesh contains worlds whereby children, even ophans or street urchins, can enter and engage and defeat demons whilst honing themselves to save eternal souls. Such an interactive dimension of Jesus is the experience which kids waste in video games. Yet a bookish church thinks that such possibilities are mere additions or heresies to the written texts. Conversely, such glories explain Jesus, who is the word of God, as the thrill of living. And this spiritual world is opened up through the audio format of magnifying the word of God — by entreating the Father with sincere heartfelt prayer. The Holy Spirit is not impressed by how much you have memorized the Bible. He wants you to confess what is eating you up. As a conversation is a give and take reality, anyone who really he is talking to a God with feelings and emotions asks Jesus ,”What about you? Tell me what really pisses you off.”

You can only delight a person by taking care of his biggest burden. Therefore the definition of prayer is this: persistent painful confession between humanity and divinity that centers around the salvation of souls. A man or woman who continually speaks, to Christ, that he or she even erupts in screams, opens up his or her spirit to simultaneously receive the answers from heaven telepathically, which heightens the fervour, heating up the passion of speaking until the image of God and his original model, like two metals being soldiered together, become one mind and heart. And anyone, even an illiterate child, can enter this vocation.

A spiritually mature person is not an ardent expert of the Greek or Hebrew texts of the Bible. Many ‘super readers’ of the Bible are agnostics, even if they claim to be born again — as they doubt that the ‘great person in words’ can manifest as a person — which is why the Pharisees — professors of scrolls — couldn’t stand a breathing Immanuel. A general in the kingdom of God is a saint who constantly talks with his commander in chief. This privilege, also given to Moses, is not the repetitions of formulars someone has decided to ‘bombard the heavenlies with’ — the reason Jesus castigated mere repeated prayers.

Jesus demolished the formulars of talking to Jehovah (which were signified by the temple that was his body alongwith the building in Jerusalem) because he is speaking and hearing itself. And he says to anyone,” Come and be one with the eternal movie, video game(battle), vision, trance, song, dance and scroll I am.” Eternity turns all entertaining aspects of communication to become worship. Joy reveals the nature of Jehovah. This delight is the perfect foundation of love as even a man and woman can telepathically know they are meant to be with each other, the Holy Spirit giving one another words of knowledge — to make them know he approves of their tryst. Because we are enamoured with carnal love, we don’t know what divine romance is. This is why Jesus, as a prelude to his marriage, is pouring a special anointing of spirit filled romance — to shame the genital centred passion the world celebrates.

This empowerment will also flow into the family life, whereby children, by the spiritual gifts they will be inspired to gain, will be solely glad that their parents pursued Christ at all costs — and not, as other parents do, money — to make their children comfortable. Many mothers and fathers can do anything for their children to succeed. But this is idolatry, which is behind the great neglect of the millions of orphans and street kids. The love for one’s image is not heavenly; Nazi officers regarded their children as apples of their eyes whilst gassing Jewish children to death. And most anointed ministers think that they own the power from heaven, the reason they make their ministries as personal empires, meant to be inherited by their children. In such cases, the Holy Spirit withdraws from the ‘superstars’.

Many televangelists were once fully anointed, even going to heaven and back. Yet they never wanted to impart the same power to nobodies — which is the gist of the cross. We were less than nothing until Christ saved us. Because they started pursuing fame, they easily got deceived by followers who praise their every word, as if it was hot off the press of heaven. These ‘Fathers of the Charismatic Gospel’ are now puffing up their pettiness. This is in how they major on ‘breakthrough’ messages. But as the revelation of the Holy Spirit is now in unknown people, who may even daily visit heaven, the shame of these ‘posters’ of Christianity will soon be exposed.

Jesus is now going to parade people who confess, “I was nobody, of little education and even in the streets. Yet this Christian approached me and instead of giving me handouts and pitying me, he(she) astonished me by recounting me my exact past and present situations. He(she) then explained me that my creator called Jesus was the one who was talking to him/her. I was stunned, realizing I was clueless and a great sinner. I hated this God, who revealed my secrets to this person, with all my heart. I despised that he was unseen and he had let me suffer so much.”

“Yet this God who sustained my every second whilst following me, with more than a billion times of any pain I have ever felt, loved me like his only son/daughter. This is why I deserved to end up in hell after scorning him for being ‘an imaginary friend’ to losers — for I was a loser. After hearing that evangelist, who was so simple but convincing, I dared to talk to this my invisible creator, trusting he hears me. And after persistance in my entreating him, he became more real than even I am. Now through dreams and visions which made me thirst to study the Bible, this God has explained to me who he is whilst empowering me to heal people and do wonders. We are now best friends, alongwith the bro/sis who introduced me to this God. We are a fellowship of spirits full of empathy, inspiring folks called ‘losers’ like I was, to be full of the never ending gift called Jesus.”

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