KENYA 2013; Prelude to the Antichrist (part one)

‘It is time for revival’, has become the popular Christianese of this age. This is because believers are zealous to purify their minds and hearts, to prepare to face their Lord. Jesus, the punisher of all unfair actions and attitudes, is just about to manifest on earth. Unfortunately, common desires for spiritual wholeness downplay this only way of effecting the holines we must grasps so as to see God without dying: all souls must internalize that rightousness and justice — not peace and prosperity — are the foundations of the throne of God. Jesus now sits on this highest location, owning all authority in the heavens and in all nations. Tragically, popular opinions, such as democratic elections are reflecting how the world thinks that the reign of Christ over all reality is a joke. The 2013 Kenyan polls best illustrate this.

As the world is becoming secular, theocracy, the only source of order, has even become an epithet. Rulership by Godly principles is seen as narrowmindedness whilst democratic governance is exalted as the best antidote to tyranny. This is because the process of offering and picking alternatives to leadership positions is an opportunity to reveal, question, discuss and cure stereotypes about people. We are all brothers and sisters born by Adam and Eve. The hate and prejudice we have against each other reflects how much dysfunctional we are. Disunity is the madness our first two parents, after sinning, inherited us. This why any process of unifying humanity, such as democracy, has become a human right.

Forcefully making people to cleave to one another is futile. Many tyrants have used terror to subjugate whole populations. But eventually, their empires fragment. Men and women only bond by persuasion. This is why the best way of now making the world a global village is through mass communication. Discussions and debates become sublimated battles of ideas. To resolve the conflicts of thoughts — so as to never be stuck in perpetual arguments — popular opinions are favoured as the most pragmatic for implementation, before the next round of criticisms.

Therefore, democracy is a privilege of probing the human condition. Christians know we are of course wicked beyond imagination. This is why we ask the Holy Spirit to search us out. If we are prudent, we would ever ask our maker to reveal our sins (errors). Only then can we pursue the rightousness we are meant to grasp so as to escape being written off forever in hell. And only the theocracy of the Holy Spirit can make all human souls unite and love one another so that we don’t end up as everlasting junk, only fit to be ever burned.

Through the guiding presence of the spirit of God, we can discern the extent to which whole populations are introspective. And a significant illuminator to the health of souls is the manner groups conduct themselves during political elections. Hunches, convictions and biases, which are spiritual, are reflected in any stance in life. If a certain perspective endears itself to alot of men and women, it is probable that the heavenly principality behind the attitude is now conquering the world. Therefore, as we examine how polls are conducted, and a fitting example is the Kenyan elections in 2013, we witness how the world, even in its best, is under the dictatorship of collective self centredness.

We are the last generation before the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. This is why as we approach 2020, distressful Biblical prophecies are being fulfilled. All signs signal that the King of Kings, the only stabilizer of the earth, is soon grinding to dust any mediocrity that is wicked humanity. Perfection himself is about to enforce his genius all over the earth. Even the best paradise on earth, for instance western nations, are polluted ruins, full of egomaniacs and perverts.

The heavens and the earth must be spotless of the rubbish which is ‘normal’ humanity. This is because all dimensions of reality have an owner, and he is phobic to any imperfection. This mystery of life is not mother nature. Neither is it forces of fate or any other deity. Jehovah possesses all breaths and germinations. Lying spirits, behind all distortions of the identity of this living God, are now distracting people from preparing to meet this definer of existence, their beginning and end; demons are now running amok all over the nations with a fake sense of divinely ordained governance. The greatest lie on earth, which general elections, especially the Kenyan one in 2013 testifies of, is this mantra: the voice of the people is the voice of God.

The Holy Spirit, the clarity of Jehovah, warns us — through the scriptures — to beware of false anointed Kings. They have come, they are now here and they must still come. The ultimate one will pretend to be the excellent peace maker. After fronting to be the most tender hearted person (the ultimate lamb), this fraudster will captivate millions until they proclaim him as the best person who has ever lived. After being exalted by all banking, governing and media systems as the ultimate hope of mankind, the excellent conman would corner anyone he could to own up being just an excellent ape-like steward of an automated system of buying and selling. Essentially, the gist of Satanism is the exaltation of a human being or humanity itself. This mostly concerns the power to chart our own future — in processes such as polls.

The practical mind may immediately challenge: isn’t creating our own future the noblest of ideals? It is. Infact the creator and manager of our destiny respects our freewill so much that it is the only thing he cannot usurp. But we can only be noble in decision making if we first respect this fact: man is only living by the word of God; full of his mercies which are new every morning, the breath of our maker makes us survive. Therefore, we must appreciate our designer (even if he is unseen) with all our minds, souls, strength, might and plans. Principalities and powers of unthankfulness are now raging over all nations to make everyone confess, “Everything just happens.” We just need to depend on ourselves and anonymous forces of nature, this perspective portends. And this authority called humanism can be best seen in perverted democracy, specifically the 2013 Kenyan polls.

Just before this process of choosing leaders in Kenya, an antichrist spirit swept across this East African nation with a ‘peace peace peace’ mantra — to trap the citizens into a pretence of godliness. As the 2007 elections was chaotic, such a mentality seemed prudent — but only to the blind. The Prince (heir) of Peace is not warlike; but Christ certainly warned Israelis that he had never come to bring a gospel of compromise; Jesus is the sword who exposes the lies that are buried even in the bone marrow. The Almighty Lord who is expressed in the lamb of God is humility; to grapple with the fact that omnipotence is ‘omni-meekness’, even families will have to argue and seperate — because certain members of the filial bonds will refuse to grieve the Holy Spirit by being driven by demons of group pride. Chest thumping is intrinsic in all communal connections. This is why the fellowship or co-operation of the Holy Spirit is the greatest gift on earth.

If human connectedness is not joined by the refining essence behind all purity, the togetherness becomes a conspiracy to commit genocide. This is why the devil, who comes to steal kill and destroy, seduces the church to belittle the spiritual networking they are. The only life on earth is the bond of brethren. If saints get swallowed by man-made morality, we are on the way to destruction. And before the 2013 Kenyan election, even pastors in the country were hoodwinked by the media and the government (institutions which pretend to even know the future) to ‘preach peace’. Yet the head of the Church (it is not the Pope but the Holy Ghost) was still reinforcing this truth: because he is the only reason for any speaking, his cause is so crucial that even the splitting apart of families is nothing when compared to it.

But why? Because the all knowing God, whose authority is based on introspection of all reality, knows that it is impossible to create harmony in an atmosphere of lies. Ego is the biggest of hoaxes. Voices which proclaim, ‘I am special because I am beautiful, enterprising and rich — which is why people like me are, civilized, affluent and reproduce more than other people — is the fatal deception of this age.

If it is not for the mediating role of the cross, all of us — black, white, yellow, tall, short, beautiful and ugly — should be now in hell. Most Christians can shout ‘Amen’ at this truth. Yet they will still live as if these words are just a fart in the wind. And most ‘saints’ don’t appreciate the role of Christ in life because of being taught by liars; churches have become social clubs. The chairman on the pulpit tickles the flesh of his tithe paying members with ‘prosperity and peace’ messages — yet God commands that there will be no rest for the wicked.

There is overflowing iniquity among Christians. According to commonsense, being bad is commiting an offense which and has tangible evidence — which would even necessitate arrest, indictment and incaceration. For example, taking cocaine is a sin against your creator and against the government. However, most junkies would never concede they need to be fixed up because they abhor defiling the temple of the Holy Spirit which is their body; yet the biggest crime on earth is grieving this Immanuel by dismissing his comfort so as to be filled with monsters of addiction to sensual highs. Messed up people only cry for help because of fearing rejection and punishment from fellow humans. Because God is invisible, he is seen as just a speculation. In contrast, men and women are regarded as ‘real’ and ‘tangible’.

The anti christ spirit is sensual consciousness. Pride and lust are its glory. This is why the true Christ castigated the Pharisees for ever seeking honour from men but not honour from the Father in heaven. To smash the idol of being declared ‘just’ by humans, Jesus proclaimed, “You have had it said that you should not commit adultery or murder but now I say that if you are obsessed with pleasure, you are no better than a prostitute, and if you crave for revenge, you are a murderer”. Only God knows your every thought and instincts. And he demands that even your imaginations should be pure. Before the general elections in March 2013, Christians in Kenya shirked from proclaiming this law of the universe: if a Kenyan despised an opponent before or after the election, God considered this ‘saint’ as good as a murderer. And if denigrating other people is shared by whole groups of individuals, genocide in the heart is perpetrated.

In light of the fact that God regards almost all Christians as no better than Hitler (they are full of vengeful lusts), why are believers praying for him to give them peace and prosperity? This is the question Kenyans (or any group engaged in competing nationalistic chauvinisms) should ask. The fake peace the world preaches is like giving a patient painkilers to suppress symptoms of a cancer — instead of purging the malignancy out of the body. And you can only understand the source of all conflicts (emotional diseases) if you are first of all just with Jesus Christ; only after conforming to him will peace beyond understanding follow and embrace you.

To grab peace, the same way they hoard riches and privileges, communities comprising a big slice of a general population even claim that God choses a leader through the presidential general elections. Consequently, challenging the will of the majority is seen as questioning the desire of God. Jehovah is certainly sovereign. All rulers reign only if he allows them to rule. But we should never invoke the will of the Holy Spirit as a sanction to tribalism or racism. God blesses, God permits and God allows. But we can only enjoy his blessing when we yield to him. Thousands of souls are now being dumped in hell. Yet the first priority of the heavenly father is that no soul is lost. Jehovah has no other choice but to PERMIT the end result of arrogant self will. If you determine to do whatever you want, even omnipotent power cannot stop you; however, you will eventually suffer infinite punishment.

The 2013 Kenyan election (on all fronts) was based on competing ethnic chauvinisms; yet God resists any pride but gives grace to the humble. In light of this fact, this is the only message pastors were supposed to preach before and after the polls: whoever wins, the whole nation MUST repent of its arrogance. Persons who declare themselves to be Christ-like must shatter to pieces and grind to dust any boastful mindset. In heaven, people have no ethnic or racist preferences — there is no comfort of the Holy Spirit, there is no rapture for Christians (probably over ninety percent) who vote (favour people) along tribal or nationalistic lines — which is no different from honouring individuals along racial lines.

And the many calls for peace before and after the 2013 Kenyan election were stupid. There was no reason for any violent clashes in Kenya, unless an outright sense of injustice was discerned. God himself licences violence if impudent unfairness against the helpless is entertained. In 2007, people fought each other because the Electoral Commission of Kenya perpetrated massive cases of fraud so as to seemingly maintain the incumbent in power. Did Americans need to be told to keep peace in their 2012 elections? No. But why? Because they know that TRANSPARENCY and TRUTH are intrinsic in their electoral system. Obviously, the mainstream consumerist American culture is a main source of moral, social and environmental corruption. Nevertheless, their system of choosing leaders is always seen as egalitarian.

Obama, for instance, is from the African American (minority) community. Because his mother is white, you could argue he is connected to the majority of the electorates. However, it is common knowledge that no matter how fair you appear, if any traces of a dark pigmentation are discerned in you, you are likely to be classified as a ‘person of colour’. White is seen as a pure ideal. Darker skin colour is seen as downgrading the purity of white until, ‘to be fair, it should not be called white’. To mitigate against this clear extremist sense of white hegemony, in 2007 and 2012, half of white Americans chose to swallow their prejudice and just choose a ‘democrat’ called Barrack Obama.

Such a mentality, of a majority section of a community chosing a minority is unlikely to pervasively happen in Africa. Fortunately, Tazania, even if it is not perfect, is a country that has managed to diffuse ethnic nationalisms by privileging Swahili over all other languages, even above English. The Ujamaa (African socialism) of Julius Nyerere, even if it made the country relatively poor, has made it a community whereby people treat strangers as equal humans. At some time, Tanzanians even called themselves ‘Ndugu’ or brother — echoing the Christian ‘brethren’.

In Kenya, which largely followed the capitalistic mindset of its British colonial masters, people are ever eager to identify each other by the tribes they emerge from. The insider is the ethnic mate; anyone else, even if they look the same as you, is an outsider And if a political candidate is discerned not to be of pure blood — tainted by intermarriage — the person is likely to be dismissed as a half human by the ethnic community he may have been asking for their votes. Essentially, tribalism and racism proclaim a person who belongs to your community as a whole individual whilst the ‘outsider’ is seen as a half human.

Because Jesus never even gave special privilege to his family members to get to heaven — but demanded they surrender to the manifestation of God in his life — favour based on biology is the epitome of demonism. Furthermore, Israel, even if it was honoured to be God’s chosen people, was warned by Jehovah in the 26th chapter of the Book of Leviticus that if it disobeys him, he will punish the nation seven times over. Therefore, if being a Jew is a heavy responsibility that makes you have to suffer more than normal people, what sort of filthiness is any pride of identity?

Humility is rightousness and justice, which ultimately births peace. Nonetheless, there is a sense of false meekness running amok. This is the reason Africans think that peace among themselves is a bigger deal than anywhere else? There is a biased sense of looking at the world. Ironically, the racist notions of justice (perpetuating a tribalistic mindset in Kenya) are best illustrated in the 2013 Kenyan election. Uhuru Kenyatta, the leading presidential candidate was a suspect of mass murder at the International Criminal Court, which is just an institution controlled by western countries. Many Developed nations asked: is a person who has been charged with crimes against humanity worth being president?

To solve the puzzle, we must first ask, “What is crimes against humanity?” To the west, this ‘greatest crime’ is mass murder of born persons. To God — who considers all crimes as injustices inflicted on him — abortion, pervasive all over the world is even worse than the holocaust. However, even if most African countries have legislated against foeticide, they largely condone widespread illegal abortion which are even performed by trained doctors. Therefore, there is no one who is really innocent in the face of God. All races are sinning and falling short of the glory of God. Nevertheless, Jesus, who owns all power in heaven and earth, is disgusted by how a white man’s sense of right is manipulating the whole world.

The European Union was in 2012 even awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for maintaining peace since its existence. Africans and Asians certainly want to be as relatively comfortable as citizens in the U. S. and Europe are. But is living easy a mark of virtue? Europe is as involved in creating and selling weapons as America is. Why then would the Nobel committee honour a heavily armed society as the epitome of harmony? They do so because the Nobel peace prize is a ploy to appoint secular humanists — atheists and agnostics — as the highest voices of reason in the world. With enough godless people at the pinnacle of intellectual circles, ultimate authority of an UNSEEN God would be dismissed. Europe, as even the ex Pope (Benedict IV) has confessed, is largely a godless continent, and it boasts that being faithless has made it practical, rational and thus more humane.

Yet if you review the basic history of Europe, you realize that their sense if ‘rationality’ is always a ploy to dominate. Europeans have only stayed peaceful when they have forced their will in the society they live in. For instance, in South Africa, most of the Boers(Dutch) people are comfortable with a government run by Africans as long as they still own the economy. And, in the matter of the U.S., Anglo Saxons almost wiped out the Indians in America so as to remain lords of the land. Also, the two world wars point out that the western world is the most likely to lead the whole globe in another craze of mass killing. In spite of all that, blood letting is not a white man’s vice. Since the overthrow of Mubarak in Egypt, Arabs have been still murdering themselves so as to grab power; whilst Indians and Pakistanis (echoing North Korea and South Korea) plan to nuke each other to death, if worse comes to worst.

But we must still concede that some of the most violent crimes, for instance the mass murder by Joseph Kony, are being committed by Africans. We do this by keeping in mind that hate is the human sinful condition. Violence is based on grudges, which are based on competing prides. Peaceful elections will never solve the grudges in Kenya or any other country. The only peace possible is based on unconditional love between all humanity — which only the communion of the Holy Spirit can avail. Truces made in partisan political elections just stoke more fuel for another five more years of building grudges. Ultimately, the pressure will eventually explode in holocausts.

Therefore, the most essential thing in the world is preaching the Gospel of salvation and sanctification. Only the good news, which redeems tribalists and racists, can diffuse the hate of extremist biases. For instance, losers in the 2013 elections, even if they concede defeat, will murmur for the next five years. And they partly have a right to do so. The results of the election partly insinuate that certain ethnicities or regions (just because of their numbers) are superior to the other ones. There is a big gap of interethnic cohesion in Kenya, the 2013 election has again confirmed. There was no distinct substance of ideology or issues from the two main competing parties in this election; the two primary contestants were just a collection of tribal chiefs who collected their herds behind them to compete in boasting,”Look how many we are!”

This chest thumping nature of Kenyan politics is based on its merrygoround of befriending and betrayal. The country was independent in 1963, but its colonial legacy has defined it upto today. Since around 1900, when the British Settlers arrived, there has been a series of manipulating treaties and agreements between the dominating parties and the dominated groups. This is why even Christianity was castigated as a tool of tricking Africans to surrender themselves to the invader. And the missionary legacy is evident in how particular communities mostly attend particular denominational services. It is godly to honour where homage is due; but most respect for the work of the missionaries has become a sanction to honour demons of tradition which oppose the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Europe has to be credited for modern evangelism; however, if its understanding of the gospel had been powerful, how come it did not stop a Hitler — who claimed to be a Catholic — from committing mass murder? Also Europeans, by their current godlessness, prove the ‘Christ’ they received from their forefathers was a sham. 19th Christianity had some power but very little Holy Spirit influence. This is why liturgical Christianity is being drowned out by ideologies such as communism, humanism and evolutionary theory. The gates of hell can never prevail against a church that is built on the rock of only exalting the lordship of Jesus Christ.

The African Church is thus an offshoot of empty Christianity — which opposes the true Christ. This is clear in how even Christians have failed to destroy tribal politics. Ironically, on paper, Kenya may be the most godly nation on earth. Its constitution expressly submits the nation to God in its preamble; and the opening line of its national anthem identifies it as a prayer to the God of all creation, entreating him to bless the land and make justice be the nation’s shield and defender. Yet this East African country is one of the most corrupt states in the world. Bribery, nepotism and tribalism pervade all businesses of government. And this is a society which has one of the greatest gap between the haves and the have nots. All these vices can be attributed to the legacy of trickery in Kenyan history; and in 2013, the ‘peace peace peace’ mantra, in a society sick with injustice, confirms the infinite lies of its governance.

The election of Uhuru Kenyatta (a suspect of mass murder) by more than 6 million people therefore becomes a testament of a people who have seared consciences. But maybe they are just being like Europeans. The British bullied and lied their way into owning the most fertile lands in the country, which were mostly based around the Mt.Kenya region. Refusing to let go, the Kikuyu community, which Uhuru hails from, through the Mau Mau rebellion, pressured the settlers to rethink and even repent of ever trying to stay in the country. The British, mad with revenge, identified Jommo Kenyatta, Uhuru’s father as the ring leader of the ‘gangsters againts the authority of Her Majesty the Queen’. Yet Jommo had befriended the British to the point of having a white wife whilst schooling in United Kingdom.

The jailing of Jommo was thus a testament that both sides felt betrayed by each other. Accused of being a Mau Mau instigator — just like his son was accused of funding the 2007 post election violence — Jommo became a beacon of native resistance to foreign domination. His book ‘Facing Mount Kenya’, captures his ethnic and pan African ideals to supplant British colonialism. However, for him to become president, he was freed through Mau Mau pressure and lobbying by friends such as Jaramogi Odinga, who hails from the Luo community.

After freedom, Kenyatta betrayed the Mau Mau fighters, leaving them destitute; later, he shortchanged Jaramogi, who was the first vice president, by kicking him out of the government. Kenyatta died in power, leaving the presidency to his vice, Daniel Arap Moi, who hails from the Kalenjin commuity. To cement his grip on authority, Moi waged a war against Kikuyu nationalists who were murmuring against him, almost to the point of plotting to topple him; the Kikuyu mafia, which owned most of the businesses in Kenya, believed Kenyatta, who had created a Gikuyu nationalist hegemony, never meant to leave the presidency to a non Kikuyu. As Kenyatta had destroyed all the democratic fibre of the newly idependent post colony, Moi inherited all the trappings of fascism.

The dictatorship was briefly challenged in1982 by a botched coup. Led by an officer from the Luo community, the attempt to topple the autocracy was swiftly quelled by soldiers loyal to Moi. Raila Odinga and several other activists were implicated in the fiasco. After being detained and tortured for months and years, they were released. Moi now vindicated his tightfisted reign on the rationale of it being an anti dote to coups. Nevertheless, from 1982 to 1992, an opposition to the one man rule was staged within the ruling government Kanu and from western countries. The constitution was finally changed in 1992 to usher in a democratic republic.

In the first two elections in 1992 and 1997, the incumbent, through voter bribery, election rigging and voter intimidation maintained power. When Moi finally decided to step down in 2002, he realized he needed to protect his interests. Through graft, he had become the richest man in Kenya. A hostile government could not only grab back all the stolen loot, it could even jail him. Therefore, he started making pacts with several probable ‘heirs’. Raila, the son to Jaramogi seemed a good bet. Such a gesture would even be seen as a nationalist spirit. Only a Kikuyu and a Kalenjin had occcupied the statehouse by then. A Luo in the office of the commander in chief of the armed forces would signal that the nation was for every Kenyan.

However, Moi smelled a rat in Raila. Wasn’t he implicated in the 1982 coup. Such a firebrand could later bite back the retired leader. Moi therefore decided to honour the son of the strong man whose seat he inherited. He anointed Uhuru Kenyatta as his sucessor. Raila and his supporters promptly decamped. The main opposition formed an alliance called the Rainbow Alliance. This was an echo of the multi racial term in South Africa ‘Rainbow nation’. In Kenya, the co- operation was seen as a muti ethnic front to fight the fascism of corruption, tribalism and nepotism. Yet one aspect betrayed the sham nature of the whole togetherness: Mwai Kibaki and Uhuru Kenyatta, the two main candidates were all from the Kikuyu community.

From the 2009 census figures this is the ethnic composition of Kenya(out of a total population of 38.6 million): Kikuyu 17%, Luhya 14%, Kalenjin 13%, Luo 10%, Kamba 10%, Kisii 6%, Mijikenda 5%, Meru 4%, Turkana 2.5%, Maasai 2.1%. About 9% of population consist of smaller indigenous group below 1% each, and Non-African groups (Arabs, Indians and Europeans) are estimated to total to about 1%.

It is clear that 17% is not 50 %. Why then is a community which is less than a fifth of the country dominating national politics? The first clue is the fact that Nairobi is near the environs of the Mount Kenya region. This is why most native businessmen have come from this region. Money can buy power. However, the Kikuyu never vote alone. They gang up with the Meru, Embu and other surrounding regions, obviously surpassing the twenty percent mark. This fifth of the country then searches for allies to make the winning formular.

Before the new constitution which mandated that a candidate surpasses 50 % plus one, it was easy to win the election with even 35% of the vote. Therefore if for instance the Kikuyu block made a pact with the Kalenjin, as they did in 2013, they nearly made almost 35%of the population. In the old constitution, such a proportion was enough to clich power as the opposition was fractured and one needed to only win. During the2007 botched elections the main candidates never got 50 percent. But this was not the problem that elicited violence. The pain was the clear graft involved in the elections. With the fact that the incumbent stayed in office, it is clear that the opposition had a right to protest, especially when the autocracy carried over from previous regimes had infected the courts.

Raila Odinga felt twice hoodwinked because he had helped his opponent to gain power in 2002. Part of the deal that led to the defeat of Uhuru Kenyatta, Moi’s heir, was the fact that Mwai Kibaki promised to cede power to Raila in 2007. By refusing to honour a pre election pact to yield authority after one cycle of governance, and then maintaining it after a seemingly fraudulent election, Mwai Kibaki was seen as a Tryrant. This informed the 2008 clashes which started on the rationale of protesting the results.

After the dust settled and an inquest was set up to discern the mischief behind the bloodletting on both sides, two villains William Ruto and Uhuru Kenyatta were singled out. They were seen as leaders of youth vigilantes behind the bedlam. This is why they are now undergoing trials at the Hague. The two, who are now president and vice president, insisted on contesting the 2013 elections (despite being suspects of genocide) because they felt betrayed by Raila and Kibaki respectively –who were their bosess during the 2007 political mess.

This pattern of disloyalty among leaders is a clear warning that the nation needs reconciliation and reform. But why is it paralyzed to do so? It is simply because of the sham Christianity in the nation — a mutation of the Anglican, Presybeterian, Catholic and any other social club called Church. Unreliable politicians must betray their pre election promises made to citizens. Yet the church is shirking from exposing the sham faithfulness of political players. The King of Kings commands them to do so but they end up claiming, “This braggart or liar or thief or grabber of lands is the best leader your loving Father in heaven could have given you.”

Infact some Christians, mostly from the ethnic region Mr. Uhuru hails from, kept on invoking ancestral and modern prophecies to rubberstamp him as Kenya’s messiah. A notable prophecy is from a Venezuelan prophet, months before the election. In the forecast by Dionny Baez, Mr. Kenyatta is even claimed to be innocent of any charges levelled to him. Thus, Baez claims, the Holy Spirit guarantees Kenyatta to go scotfree after all the court drama whilst leading the nation to a land of milk of honey.

We should never despise any prophecy. But the fruits of the words of Baez suggests that he uttered poison. “Are you claiming he is a false prophet?” somebody may retort. Not exactly. Infact God signalled that Uhuru would be the president — but as a talking point of how Kenyans are lawless and thus need repentance. When Israel demanded for a King, Jehovah aquiesced; but he himself knew that the nation just wanted a braggart and sensualist like they were to lead them to more indulgence of the flesh — proud and lustful humanity abhors the guidance of the Holy Spirit, which God had placed in the Israeli priesthood. Therefore, Baez and many other prophest misread God’s commentary about the future of Kenyan leadership as his approval of the nation’s rulers.

The prophesying around the Kenyan election in 2013 proves that we should be very careful about our hearts. After you distort the tone of God’s original world, a lying spirit hijacks your tongue; thus you may start in the spirit and end up in the flesh. The works of the flesh are evident; they puff up the flesh. For instance, I was wondering why some of Uhuru’s supporters were even claiming that God so loved Kenya that he gave Uhuru that whoever votes for him should not waste his vote to have a second round of elections but have a prosperous life. When I saw Baez prophecy and many other similar forecasts, it was clear where the exaltation of Kenyatta to the status of being a Christ originated from.

The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus; the spirit of the antichrist usurps the preciousness of Jesus, so as to install a counterfeit. The only true prophecy for Kenya, championed by true prophets, is this: the King of Kings is soon coming to take his bride to heaven. Whoever discerns the privilege of the rapture should therefore love the Lord God with all of his or her heart, soul, strength, might, rejection, bitterness, loneliness, poverty, unemployment, humiliation and fear. Whoever you are, Jesus is infinite times your worth; therefore be only fascinated with him. Whatever ecstacy and pleasure you feel, God owns and has experienced the eternal depths of delight; however, as he testifies on the cross, Jehovah produces all harmonious life in anguish.

Therefore, people who feel dejected after losing elections, businesses and even loved ones can meet God in their depths of sadness. Omniscient means experiencing everything. At the cross, Jesus reveals to us that our Father knows all murder, lusts, orgies and filthiness. Yet he hates the obsession with pleasure and power until he completely purges it out of himself. As Holiness himself knows the eternal sweetness of brutally conquering, getting drunk or fornicating, the sin of the murderer, drunkard and pervert is this: the transgressor exalts fleeting pleasures, positions and privileges to become most dear — his deity. ‘God’ means ‘most precious’.

Jehovah is against the exaltation of any other thing because all things only exist in his fullness. And there is a cyclic law of sacrifice or offering or yielding in him which maintains all reality. For instance, happiness emanates out of sadness. We enjoy life because of Jehovah’s paining on the cross. Therefore, if you only search for joy, you are looking for a deformed God. We must only daily make a resolve to know who Elohim is. Loving him with all we are is the minimum requirement of our existence, such that we must ever inquire in any worship experience, “Is this really the fullness of God?”

And if we have determined to understand the personality of of our eternal source, when we are sad, we should ask, “Is our Father also mourning?” Of course he is. Thousands of sinners are now being swept in hell. The heavenly father wrings his hands, and grits his teeth, commiserating with his own children being burned forever in utter loneliness. This why true evangelism is based on internalizing the prime grief of Jehovah. And if you sincerely pursue truth, you will eventually discover that your creator soaks in infinite torment, second after second, to provide your comfortable ‘normal’. On the cross, Jesus reveals that the Almighty one persecutes his own nerves or essence to renew all life. Life is a cycle of recycling. Thus Jesus, ‘Jehovah who saves or salvages, is truly life.

Before redeeming Israel, Moses beheld God as a burning bush who never buns out. Elohim is a tree of nerves who incinerates himself so as to power and refurbish the whole universe — whilst excruciating. The torment he swallows in his own nature to produce all life proves that nobody forces him to do anything. His will is pure, not provoked by any threats, blackmail or bribery. This is why we should always determine to submit ourself to his desire. The kingdom or governance of God is in the knowledge of the holy intent of Jehovah. People who claim that this untainted selfless motivation delegates his purpose to the kind of leaders who are now messing up the world insult this Holiness.

Christians blaspheme Jehovah when they proclaim that he anoints messiahs through democratic elections. God is now allowing the wicked to come to power so as to expose how the rest, who think their leaders are the ‘best’, are full of iniquity. A questionable character in authority warns a society, “Don’t put your trust on any man or woman but only on Jesus; Christ can just remove all tricksters from influential positions even through death or sickness — for the sake of giving the young generation a chance of not emulating only frauds!”

Children who grow up in the mess that is Kenya end up thinking that Jesus, who allegedly anoints any leader, is messy. Yet rightousness and justice are the foundation of God’s throne. If the country was being godly governed, a 2012 report on the states of cities around the world wouldn’t have pointed out Nairobi as the second worst city in the world to live in. This is a fair report, especially when you see Tehran listed as the worst City in the world. Islamofascism in Iran oppresses the poor just as much as tribalism in Kenya. Many Nairobians who disagreed with this report were from the RIGHT TRIBE or from the middle class. They don’t even realize that in cities such as New York, doctors and corporate workers mostly use the subway — public transport. A society is its egalitarian connections, which can be seen in how its water and public transport system is shared.

Therefore, the confusion in Kenya can even be seen in the Nairobian traffic situation. The motor flow during rush hour is terrible, even if slowly improving. However, the few who can afford to drive to work enjoy relative luxury if compared to the majority who have to grapple with the ‘Matatu madness’, whereby corruption, unreliability and extortion of passengers reigns. Also, working class residential estates are relatively expensive even if they are just a little better than slums; they are poorly planned risky five story buildings ringed around with swamps of open sewers. Furthermore, tribal discrimination is evident in Eastleigh, the Somali district; it literally has no roads, whereas it pays taxes. And water is dearly sold even in the largest slum in Africa, Kibera — in the city.

For a long time, tribalistic cliques have been running the Nairobi City Council. A survey once discovered that the staff of the council were the most illiterate workers in the country — whereas there are thousands of unemployed university graduates. Councillors, representing different sectors of the metropolitan are, operated like cartels. Differing tribal outfits used to brawl during significant meetings, exchanging fists and throwing chairs at each other before the side which ‘out punched’ the others approved shady suicidal buildings with sanitation standards that may make livestock in developed countries look pampered. At one time in the recent past, the tribal Mafia in power burned the City hall; they had to do away with records — to preempt an imminent investigation by a land enquiry commision, which would have unearthed shady land grabbing deals in the city. Bottomline; the moral rot in Kenya is bottomless.

From a political perspective, this banana republic should be made a land of milk and honey by the new constitution, which mandates a technocratic County system to run things in Nairobi and all over the other forty five counties. Also, the government has started improving infrastructure, especially the train system. But these reforms will only work if the tribal system is totally ground to powder. Yet only the Holy Spirit, devoid of any pride and prejudice, is the only one who can disarm all ethnic chauvinism.

Any nation belittles the power of the Holy Ghost at its own peril. For instance, even if Kenya is recently discovering oil and Gold in various parts of the country, the self centredness behind tribal politics is bound to make these ‘blessings’ the ultimate curse. If you grab power by marshalling your ethnic base, you will do the same to grasp the best resources for your ‘own people’. Jealous communities would use all means to ‘out grab’ the goodies. This is the heart of civil wars.

Also, the proposed construction of a silicon valley away from Nairobi so as to help the decentralization of economic activity away from the capital may look prudent. Too much concentration on Nairobi has led to its expensiveness. The autocracy of Kenyatta and Moi plus the tribal Mafia at City Hall have mismanaged this urban space for decades. However, shifting of economic activities to other regions is a man made solution to a spiritual problem, which only God can resolve. The King of Kings is soon coming. He owns time. He is not against plans for prosperity, but when resolutions to comfort the flesh are idolized above the necessity of purifying the human spirit, Jesus has no other choice but to allow demons to torment the people crafting these plans.

For instance, the Government of Kenya is a playground of kleptocracy because the church in Kenya is now full of heretics of the prosperity gospel. Christians in this nation are even worse than sinners. Just as the Cherubim Lucifer became the most radioactive source of evil, I-I-I worship of God by ‘saints’ is now the main source of demonism in the world. Several Kenyan pastors (mostly televangelists) have even been exposed by secular media as extraordinary charlatans. They sell oil, water and handkerchiefs by stage managing miracles. Devoid or real holiness, the church in Kenya has become a big joke. This is because even the little purity among believers has been the least an aggrieved God can effect on this Laodicean church in East Africa.

Generally the church in Africa was never founded on the selflessness of Christ. This is why the false — colonial — Church in Nairobi is inward looking. It is not evangelical, even when it pretends to. The rich worship among the rich — as the poor are not eminent and sosphisticated enough for their services. This is the same mind behind missionary Christianity. Yes, God himself obligates us to honour the colonial missionaries; however, if you understand the limitless benevolence of the cross, the least you can do is spread the word around. Salvation is a never ending gift. Thus, spreading it around is a necessity you must undertake at all costs. And if you have a real desire to spread the pure Gospel, all authority in heaven and earth are at your disposal, which unleash a Tsunami of love.

The world is under a false powerless Christianity simply because of impure reasons to teach about Jesus. As Paul warned, some people preach out of spite, greed and pride. God allows them because he is full of mercy, giving them grace to change. Most pastors and Bishops are now under a great divine warning: they love money and honour by humans more than they desire to fill people with the Holy Spirit at all costs. Even ministers who claim to be baptized by Holy Fire hawk miracles, deliverences from demons and prophecies of fortune — instead of freely gifting anyone the spirit behind all supernatural abilities. Only those who are spiritually sensitive can discern how almost all believers have become apostates. And if ministers of the word of God persist in their man centred Christianity, their ultimate fate becomes worse than those of drunkards, fornicators and murderers.

Therefore, the biggest criminals in the world are lukewarm Christians. Wallowing in insolence, most believers even pride themselves of being more civilized than ‘blood thirsty mysogynistic muslims. Yet because we own up having the nature of the Holy Spirit, we blaspheme him when we act as if he loves us just because we belong to a ‘special’ family, tribe, nation or race. And the Kenyan situation points out why people are ending up in hell; most Christians cheer or tolerate tribalism, whereas nothing unclean can enter heaven.

The gates or openings to hell are simply prejudicial convictions. Heaven is the ultimate end of unconditional lovers of anyone. Unfortunately occidental Christainity, now spread worldwide, aligns itself with sectarian attitudes. And hell is the dumbing site of stereotypical souls. Unfortunately, according to the European missionaries, they were sent (not called) to Africa. They couldn’t understand that the Holy Spirit is omnipresent, searching and refining all human hearts so as to perfectly connect them one to another.

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