L(R)ight of the World

What is being the light of the world? ‘Christianity’, a religion associated with the Western world, is not the true illumination of Jesus. This term coined at Antioch was even deragotary — as the first believers actually identified themselves as ‘people of the way (path)’. Jesus died, ressurected, ascended and sent his spirit so as to activate trailblazers to truth and life. “I am a Christian,” should essentially mean, “I am a King and priest operating with omnipotence.” Anyone who encounters a believer of the Nazarine born to a virgin should ask the disciple, “You claim you have a throne and temple? Then how relevant to me is your almighty administration and intercession of the earth?”

Prosperity preachers exist as a reaction to the status of liturgical denominations. Catholicism, Anglicanism and any other holy -ism founded in Europe or the Eastern Orthodox regions are social clubs that are subservient to the state. For instance, whatever the British general public decides as right, the Church of England, headed by the Queen, has to twist scriptures to validate it. This can be clearly seen in the issue of homosexuality. The Evangelical movements, basing their ministries on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, are strongly against such spiritual adultery with political power. New awakenings in the name of Christ have determined to make the governance and mediation of heaven indispensable to life.

However, the kingdom of God is not using the Fire of God to avail excellent eating, drinking, copulating, reproducing and building of monuments. Thus the Apostolic/Pentecostal/Charismatic churches are also infected with the following Satanism: using the miraculous hand of God to merely please human beings. Jesus castigated anyone who was fascinated with him because he multiplied food or did amazing acts — as he was careful to instill this fact into his listeners: Any physical goodness from heaven is just a sign. Manna, like the tent of the tabernacle, was a foreshadowing of the messiah born in a manger. The only thing worth being impressed with is the word of God — and it is not mere holy statements — but the gist of who the almighty son of is.

“Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my Father in heaven has,” Jesus applauded Peter’s confession of his deity status. Yet minutes later, Christ rebuked Simon, “Get behind me Satan for you do not desire the things of this same God who revealed to you I am also God; you just want to flatter me so that I use my anointing to amaze dignitaries you want to be close to.” When Peter denied Jesus because he was afraid of the Sanhedrin, he was manifesting this iniquity in him — which is the lust of feeding the flesh, instead of the spirit. This is why the ressurected Christ based Peter’s love for him on his execution of this thrice given order, “Feed my sheep!”

We are the flock born by a lamb. This is not natural. The kingdom of God cannot be understood by carnal minds — which think sex is the crucible of life. And the lamb becomes the shepherd of the sheep which have to ape the lamb until they also become shepherds of each other. After arising from the tomb, the King of Kings was announcing to his followers, “See, dying to reputation and comfort may look like a Satanic curse but it is really the entry into eternal dimensions.” And this firstfruits from the dead restored Peter so that he becomes a parable of how the devil is the following flattery,” You are the daughter and son of God; stop prophesying how men will reject and even kill you; scriptures are only meant to promise bliss for his children.”

“What are you doing? Didn’t I tell you to feed my sheep?” Christ –through Paul — asked Peter — when Simon started forming a clique with Jews. Sheep, unlike wolves or lions, don’t devour blood and flesh; they browse and regurgitate vegetation — sprouting from the ground. Herbivores are a reflection of God’s humility. This is why God humbled Nebuchadnezzer by making him become like a bull. This is also the reason he refused any wild animal to be presented on the altar. Life is the eternal yielding of the Father, Son and Spirit.

And animals to be offered had to be perfect so as to signify that meekness must be uttermost — with no speck or deformity(hypocrisy). The Lion of Judah is a roar of complete praise — a human being attributing everything he or she is to God. When we bow down to our maker, by crediting any niceness as a giving of his flesh and blood, we become frightening lions to the demonic realm. Self rightousness, which is boasting, disqualifies any of us from being in Christ. Outside of the beginner and finisher of faith, who resists any pride, we lose protection from Satanic oppression.

Peter is therefore a reflection of how even ‘Fathers of the Faith’ might think they have surrendered all they are to Christ yet they still harbour chauvinism — thinking that their family or friends or community or they themselves are the only chosen ones by Christ. John and James, who wanted to roast Samaritans with fire from heaven, projected this presumption; one died first and the other last to testify that bonds created by sensual intimacy should not operate in the Kingdom. And Simon fell because he never reminded himself this truth, “My creator, whom I denied thrice as he was being brutalized for me to live, is the only goodness inside of me.” Meditating on the word of God — which opens eternal illumination — is magnifying the divine paining behind our breathing.

“Me and you are supposed to be the temple and throne of God,” a believer must tell anyone who asks,”Which kind of a King and a priest are you? You look so ordinary, and you definitely don’t work in a palace or shrine.” The carnal perception is in love with surface beauty, ignoring the eternal dimensions that are in any human soul. A man and woman can soak never ending personalities — which is what ‘God’ is. As he is light, with no dimming, Jehovah is the spectrum of all colours. All hues, which represent individualities, are divisions of the wavelengths of light. Uniqueness is name. The Father, from whom all classifications in heaven and earth are derived, is therefore the personification of all preciousness. “I am special,” sensed when saying,”I am so and so,” is really an affirmation of, “I originate from the Father and are destined to return to him.”

Therefore, when Jesus announced, “No one comes to the Father except through me,” he was really cautioning the Jews that they had no beginning or end. This is why the religious leaders retorted that unlike him — who was conceived before his mother was married –they are not bastards. Thereafter, Jesus warned them that if they don’t believe he is direction itself, whom they must cling onto, they would not only be slaves to sin but die and end up forever chained in a flaming pit. And his disciples were the ones who were supposed to expound this truth. Peter, by how he lived, was born to inform Jews and Gentiles of this reality: We exist and live in a lamb-like divine essence that was slain before the foundations of the earth; therefore, we must meditate on this unseen person, until we are one with him. His blood flow has even ached, second after second, for ours to pump with ease.

“Can one person contain not only all of us, but all people who have lived in the past and will live in the future?” any listener to a disciple of Christ should ask. For Jesus to be our saviour, he must be God. This is why Islam, which denies the divinity of Christ, is demonic. God is the ultimate glow , whose essence is faintly suggested by the sun. The body of Christ can therefore not only contain all humans, but be the basis for all creation. As light is wavelengths, God is the illumination that is omni-quick, in any finish line whilst in every starting line. Therefore, he can be a spectrum of every colour, shape or size, in any generation and location. Nevertheless, to enter into Christ, we must meditate on how he is even the grace that prevents our eye blinking from being excruciating.

We expound the word of God by affirming how he is the mercy that powers our kidneys, livers and brains. This is how Christ becomes Lord; he owns all we are, to rule the nations through us. But as this kind of mentality smashes all hubris, only few find this gift of life. “He wants to make our nation nothing,” the Sanhedrin rightly remarked when understanding what Jesus was teaching. Most Christians claim that if they lived two thousand years ago, they would have been dying to even die with Jesus. Yet the nepotism, cronism, tribalism, nationalism and any other chestthumping they entertain prove this truth: if they were living two millenia ago in Jerusalem, they would be among the mob at Golgotha yelling, “Crucify that messiah who wants us to serve and love our rivals.”

The Holy Spirit, who is just like Jesus, has been poured on all flesh. True scientific discoveries, such as nuclear science — not the faith-phobic speculations of Darwinian evolution — are reflections of the workings of this Ghost who is flawless. Any inventor, any capitalist, any philosopher, any professor, any genius who scoffed at Christ and is now dead is asking himself or herself, “Who gave me such illumination to the mysteries of life when I was in the world? He has definitely now abandoned me in this fiery dark dungeon.” Christ intends to use all disciplines of thought to exalt Jehovah. Anyone is given a measure of grace when they are born. Most people, full of the pride of life, that is encouraged by cultures and education, waste their intelligence. Almost all individuals are denying the existence or dwarfing the significance of the spirit of God.

And if we misuse God’s influence, whilst being celebrated, Jehovah will allow demons to drown us in our self absorbtion. Thereafter, he will raise up new voices with a double anointing of what we had. In case the arising new hope also get sidetracked by the spirit of claiming, “All there is to life is what we can see and touch,” they will also get double tragedy of what we would have incured. The subsequent generation will be given a more increasing illumination than the previous one. If they rebel, they will meet woe which is equal to the opportunity they received. When a group of people submit to the will of God in their lives, heaven on earth would germinate and excel around them. Earth is a tormenting place because, for centuries, all communities have spurn the dictates of Jehovah. All advancement of knowledge reflects the work of the gift which was poured on the day of Pentecost. Yet even Christians prefer to follow the wisdom of tangible rulers, philosophers, entertainers and pastors.

The Anti-Christ is the ethos of religious rituals, rejecting the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. “Do not rehearse what to say when you stand in front of governors I will send you to,” Jesus ordered his disciples. “There is a person who is just like me. And I will sent him to you to live in you so that he fills your every limb, even your tongue, empowering you to speak to the judges of the world whatever he desires.” Being a sheep of Christ is to allow the Holy Spirit to use you. And he does so by making us eat and drink the flesh(softness) and blood(fluidity) of Jesus — by interpreting even food as an emanation of our Lord. As life is a cycle of give and take, Christ also eats our flesh (pleasure) and blood (vitality), finishing our sense of independence and comfort. This violence of mingling is eternal. It is unlike the carnal one that starts on teeth and ends up in a toliet. The spiritual feast rejuvenates our dying bodies. The rapture is a sign of this supper, whereby the wrinkling body is replenished to infinity, at the blink of an eye.

Life is a reciprocation. Our limbs are destined to be gnawed by dust as they are sustained by fruits and pastures(eaten by cattle) from the soil. Therefore, a heart that is like ploughed ground is the key to life. The word of God is the seed; but we must be so yielding to him that we become one with him. Life can only be filled by tilled soil that is swallowed by the roots that is God. Heaven is a place whereby even a blade of a grass is planted in infinite depths, the reason vegetation ever glitters.

When the Pharisees feared to be nothing, they wanted to be paths, thorny terrain and rocks — wasting the seed (son) of life. All ground is going back to a lake of fire. Only the soil that is eaten by the roots of God until it produces eternal fruits is saved from going back to a volcanic sea. Jesus was therefore urging Israel to feed on his sweet gentle flexibility (body and blood ) so that he devours their nasty stubborness. The Sanhedrin, conversant with Daniel’s visions about world kingdoms, were murmuring,”If we become a lamb nation that even loves enemies who are like a lion, a bear, a leopard-eagle and a crazy monster, wouldn’t we be eaten alive?” Seperation from gentiles, even with violence — as exemplified by Saul who became Paul — was their only option.

But as Moses revealed that Adam is the origin of all nations, it is clear that Pharisees were not paying attention to the law giver. Africans, Asians and Caucasians must be one family. Racism and any other us-versus-them rhetoric is a reflection of ignorance of our origin. Also, for Israel to be fruitful, they needed the nations. Rebecca, a woman born in a far away land, became the mother of Israel just after Sarah took her last breath. And the wife of Abram became the mother of all nations — but only after her husband, a pagan from Chaldea, was made the father of nations by faith. Belief in Jehovah created Israel and was to be her vitality.

When the community broke the agreement they made with the Holy Spirit after they exited Egypt, they had to be shattered and scattered back to the Babylonian culture that the son of Terah initially belonged to. The grandson of Nahor, to show that he understood the way of faith, ordered his servant to look for a woman who can leave everything behind for an unseen destiny in a distant land. Isaac was a fruit of a promise which looked void and null for years. Patience, born out of seeing by trusting, is the Kindgom of God. Thus the bride of the son miraculously conceived (Isaac in Jesus) was supposed to be a chaste and compassionate woman(co-inheritor); but she had to come from all corners of the world.

And most importantly, the writer of Genesis, Numbers, Deutronomy and Leviticus clearly warned of this fact: If an animal became violent or stubborn, it should not only be killed but incur its owner a hefty penalty. Stephen, before he was bashed to death, exposed how rulers of Israel, such as the one murdering him, had made the nation, since its inception, a stiff necked beast to its master. This was clear when they rejected (and ironically offered) the perfect sacrifice on Golgotha. They were greedy to continue giving, for profit, petty carcass for eternal sins. Instead of loving their creator with all they were, the Mafia mentality that governed Israel wanted to appease Jehovah so that he left them alone to whore around with demons — in mammon worship.

Therefore, Israel treated their Lord as a pet to be thrown crumbs of affection. The main feast of love was reserved for gorging themselves, in pride and lust. The chosen people became tricksters, performing pious stunts in the temple whilst living like monsters in their homes. As Jehovah had paid the eternal price to tame all human iniquity, the continued oblations after Calvary were simply scoffing the work and voice of the Holy Spirit. This necessitated Roman invaders to enter the land and slaughter almost the entire population — like livestock inspectors culling herds infected with mad cow disease.

When Jesus was born, Jews claimed being in a revival. They even honoured the graves of prophets. But as it is evident from these endtimes, a sense of togetherness who claim that they are better than a previous one are actually the worst mob to live amongst. We are currently in an era whereby belief in spirit beings is seen as naive — yet all of us are ghosts that put on an animal suit for a short season. Mainstream wisdom claims that because we are democratic, unlike ancient societies, we are the light of the world — what humanity should be. Yet we have even perverted insights, inspired by the Holy Spirit, about the details of life. Scientific knowledge about how a human body is assembled is being used to clinically destroy life in abortion and embryonic stem cell research. We are the generation who are most Satanic.

Just as the nation which heard about the first coming of Christ and rejected him were massacred like sick cattle, current humanity, which is hearing about the second coming of Christ and joking about it will soon experience tortures that the human mind cannot even comprehend. But why? Shouldn’t Jesus just let people live the way they want and die of old age — and only then go to hell if they have rejected him? The truth is everyone, even atheists, live in the power of the cross. The price for our redemption (replenishing cycles) was paid before any creation manifested. And this cost is God soaking in all the anguish any man or woman should experience, moment after moment. Any torment we undergo is a suggestion of the unsearchable sacrifice Jehovah has become for us. The man on the cross simply imputed this timeless payment into the cradle-to-grave period that is our existence.

And if we don’t go to the father, through the messiah, we have no origin or destiny. The battered body on a cross two thousand years ago is the only hope for the nations; Christianity which belittle this, exemplified by most church denominations, is useless, only good to be trampled by everyone. The body of Jesus, which is conceived by eternal light, can divide into never ending spectrum of colours (personalities) and shapes (glory). A square signals the equality of communion; a triangle speaks about the oneness of the trinity; a rectangle testifies of the adjusting but measured influence of Jehovah. A circle testifies of the recycling — redeeming — power of Christ that renews, season after season. And all colours, as captured by the rainbow which was instituted after the flood, are reflections of the cross. Eternal wrath, which is light, when absorbed by the prism that is the word of God on the cross, produces all colours (appearances) in the rainbow.

Vanity, the idolization of looks, is running amok because of shallow magnification of Jesus. All images should not only exalt Christ, they must reveal this reality: anything good we take, like nourishment, is a result of divine excruciating. This is how sheep are fed — by attributing anything worthwile in life as sourced by the aching of their shepherd. “All that is precious in me is Jehovah,” is a statement of a soul who is eating the word of God until this son(seed) of life resides in him or her. Spirits connected in Christ have nothing to boast about. They create a communion of serving one another, shaming the following ethos that runs the world, “Use people as much as you can.”

Capitalism, as Karl Marx noted, is structured on making a worker dependent on a wage that ever defrauds him or her. The economy as we know it is a network of humanity that is based on oppressor-oppressed ties. However, communism is not the solution. Man made structures of equality, as the horrors and hypocrisy of communist states have shown, are our worst nightmares. This is why freely sharing, in the name of Jesus, is the only hope for the world. Nuclear weapons, which can destroy civilization as we know it, only exists because of covetousness. Nations like Rome used to invade other nations because of grabbing loot. The ownership of nuclear warheads between several hostile states equalizes greed, making any superpower realize that if it overreaches its violence, it will spark a war of mutual destruction.

But this caution before acting, even in genocidal hearts, is the presence of the Holy Spirit on earth. After the rapture, humans will become beasts — the reason it will be very hard to be born again. Empathy is divine. And it is only grappled when all men and women regard one another as part of the body of Christ. From head to feet, the illumination that is Jehovah excruciates to copy himself as all characters. This increase — not out of grabbing pleasure but offering life in aching — is what the light of the world is. Jesus forewarned his disciples of this reality: nations will never regard his disciples as the real deal because they can do miracles and can reveal wisdom and visions about the spirit world. When anyone who is fed up with being a conqering braggart sees a group of souls suffering for one another and wishing the best for each other, he or she would die to be part of this government that operates with no threats or enticements.

The majority of the world, which is struggling in life, are now disgusted with the man-eat-man society they survive in. However, even the church seems to be part of this beastly structure. Thus Jesus doesn’t really seem more relevant than Mohammed. And some analysts even claim that Buddhists make Bhudda a more endearing philosopher than Christians do their Christ. Is this true? Yes it is. When the Holy Spirit withdraws from any organization he was part of, it not only crumbles, but its members become lost. This could be seen in how Israel, after the invasion by Romans in 66 AD, became intrusive aliens. Jews didn’t want to integrate into the nations they fled to whilst claiming that they were a holy seed — unlike uncircumcised Gentiles.

Most Christians are soon going to be like the ‘chosen people’ after the destruction from their temple. Jesus warned his hearers that if they take lightly who he is, one day they will long to hear him but would not. Wickedness is an addiction that taunts and takes for granted the humility of God, until it maddens a person to damnation. The body of the messiah of the Jews was the temple of all life, yet they branded him as too ordinary. By destroying and reconstituting his limbs three days later, the saviour of the world declared this principle of living: all reputations have to be smashed for the sake of reconciliation of anyone to God and one another.

The Holy Spirit, whose presence is the temple of God, will soon lift from the earth, with believers who hearkened to his inspiration. And this Immanuel awakens his temples to kill all man-made structures and styles — so that only what is of God will arise in everlasting replenishing. Many believers claim they are obedient to Jehovah, yet they are full of rituals and formulars, like Pharisees — quoting bits and pieces of written statements to validate their chaining pettiness. Soon, they will be left to submit or reject(at the pain of death) the authority of a tyrant full of neat but damning rules that will even be written on foreheads.

Dictatorship is rigidity, which is based on loving oneself at all costs. This is the reason daily denying of self and taking the cross is crucial. Satan, who should be rebuked,”Get behind me,” is this voice,”According to this chapter and verse which says this and that, I declare that no rejection or suffering or loneliness or loss of reputation will come your way, in the name of Jesus!.” The devil is claiming that scriptures are only meant for breakthroughs for God’s servants. He is setting up many to be offended by their faith when persecutions soon come. The rapture will only occur after a serious period of sifting, which will be a faint precursor to the great tribulation. Saying a prayer to accept Jesus and thereafter reading the Bible and regularly going to church is not enough to be eligible to be caught to the highest heaven. Even praying alot, studying scripture, keeping away from TV, Facebook and any other distraction is below par the expectation of our Father. The only souls which will be caught to heaven would be willing that anyone become more Christ-like than they are.

If your heart is pure and wholesome, you would die that everyone becomes even a thousand times who you are. This is why Pastors who always give ‘do this and do that’ commands, spicing their ‘rhema words’ with ‘chapter this and verse that’ references (that the first church never used), are making the light of the world no better than any carnal leader. “I am pointing your flaws because you are my hope. I want you to be more gifted by God than I am so that you edify me,” any reformer should declare to his pupils. Correction meant to make people come under the authority of the ‘fixer’ is the kind which makes the ‘corrected party’ seven times the devil(manipulator) his or her teacher was. Jesus is the only Lord, who only administers his kingdom through the Holy Spirit. The wisdom of Christ invites his enemies to become his best friends. This is the light of the world that any nation longs for but has no power to effect.

In Christ, this is the order of operation: the healer longs to later be made whole by his patients; the prophet should desire to be eventually guided by the one he offers divine forecast; and the leader must die to be ultimately advised and surpassed by his followers. The first church shrugged off persecution and won many hearts to it because they were daily dying for each other — such that any harrasment from the authorities was exposed as nonsensical. The Empire of Rome realized it will be nothing if it continued its violence on flawless people. However, the church was never meant to be incorporated into the top-down command of Ceasar’s rule. Thus the marriage of Christ’s kingdom with earthly rulers has gone on for too long.

The victorious church is about to arise. Wonderful signs that will accompany them are just surface signal of this truth: hearts which long for anyone to surpass them are the only one which deserve to live. If Christ is living in us, we should be able to empathize with anyone, even foes, caring for their emotions. And who wouldn’t want even his haters to have ten times the caring he harbours. Simply put it, if we are under a pastor or bishop or friend or apostle who is always afraid of being seen as dependent on non-conventional voices of the Holy Spirit, we are being stuffed with malice. Revival is all about purity of intentions, not miracles or even revelations. This is why Jesus called the society he manifested among as a wicked and perverse generation, greedy for signs.

Thereafter, Christ declared his death and ressurection as the ultimate warning. Unlike Jonah — who had to be broken down in a belly of a fish so as to save his enemies — Jesus willingly entered the belly of the earth so as to transform foes of Jehovah into his inheritors. Self, in most Israelis, was therefore not worth entertaining; it does not care if souls are lost. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The anointed pastor was once a demonized sinner, just like Abraham was once an idol worshiper. After his mission, Jonah’s unrepentant heart was exposed. By his irritation at the withering shade (which grew miraculously), he thought that divine goodness should just happen for him.

“It is better for you that I go to my Father,” Jesus told his students after he arose from the underworld, finishing his rescuing. The light of the world doesn’t want us to crowd around his physical manifestation. He longs for his mind and heart to be spread in as many people as possible. Faith produces true signs and wonders but as Jonah testifies, miracles can be used by God to reveal our self absorbed hearts. Jonah was more concerned about his own seasonal physical comfort than the salvation of eternal human souls. And today, the idolization of convenience in the church does not only concern prosperity preaching. It is about not asking ourselves this question, “Am I really revealing Jesus to the world or have I just shut myself in a club where we impress each other with Christianese?”

Being the light of the world is underscoring how the moon and the stars are all about our Lord.
The moon, like the sun, was created on the fourth day, as a mere sign of seasons. And this cycle of time is not about summer, spring, autumn and winter. The moon signals the reason for the coming and return of Jesus. Life does not need even the photosynthetic rays of the sun to flourish as heaven, teeming with excellent plants and animals, is lit and sustained by God’s essence. After uttering, “Let there be light!’ Elohim supported all life with his own illumination that preceded the sun and moon. Reality is an emanation of the eternal light that Jehovah is. As all other lights are burning out, they are unfaithful. This means life as we know it on earth is an illusion. Sincere scientists who have studied the hologram testify of this fact.

Essentially, intellectuals who are not eager to promote naturalism accept that life is likely to be a hologram — a three dimensional copy of unseen originals — created by a super natural force. What is a hologram? It is an exact replication, by lasers, of an object but in picture form. This is whereby an image is bathed in a laser. Another laser beam is bounced off the light which the object reflects forth. Where the two lasers intersect, there is an interference pattern which is captured on film, which if developed gives off a meaningless swirl of light and dark patterns. But as soon as another laser beam illuminates the image, the original object appears in 3D. This new picture is remarkable. If cut into halves, each portion remains whole. And the dividing can continue infinitely yet each part hived from the original will remain like the first object.

The hologram has perplexed, fascinated and frightened the scientific community. This is because most scientists have been taught cute naturalistic answers about reality — mostly based on Darwinian (Anti-supernatural) evolutionary theory. The hologram posits that we are now surrounded by three unseen super lasers. This exalts the centrality of the trinity to reality. And the fact that the first process of creating the all rounded picture produces a messy manifestation explains how God created heaven and earth. The initial form of our surroundings was watery chaos. On top of that, the ever multiplying nature of a dividing three dimensional picture not only echoes the productive cycle, it also shows that one being who has all shapes and sizes can divide himself to be all reality. And some scientists suspect that the sense of ‘seperateness’ is an illusion; all reality seems to be glued as one whole.

Liberty from God, who is everything, is non existence. The hologram thus even explains how we are one body of Jesus, born by his body and blood. And we must abide in him to live. When being bombarded by the lasers of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit on the cross, the image of God called Jesus was divided into infinite similar beings. He then calls our normal selves to deny ourselves(forsake our images) so as to be grafted into his complete whole parts. The hologram explains the necessity of salvation. The first step of making is not complete. Even after God said, “It is good”, the creation was not indomitable; it had the potential of sinning and dying — which are marks of unreliability. A hologram becomes invincible only after it enters the third and final illumination by a laser. If left on the first and second phase, the image remains meaningless — worthless.

If we are not completely developed by the holy Trinity, we cannot be of any value. And hell, which treats beings as rubbish, will be our destination. This means that baptism by the three eternal lights of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is indispensable. God judged the initial creation as good only because of affirming that its preliminary stage had manifested as planned. The initial physical reality was meant to refine his own image — Adam and Eve. After looking at all surroundings, the first humans should have realized that the world cannot fulfill them. They were destined to be divine. God had put in Adam and Eve a good hunger to be like him. But he wanted the two to invite him to baptize them with his laser like triune glory until they become like him. Adam had a choice of being contented to be human or to contend to be like his creator.

Essentially, the devil cannot tempt you with something you have no appetite for. If a man is not enamoured by women but only with power, Satan will not try to tempt the man with adultery or fornication. The devil will present to the person unlimited opportunities to be great — as long as the man belittles the Lordship of God in his life. This is what Satan was trying to do to Jesus in the desert. Christ only wanted to grasp all principalities and powers, but only to free us from hellish oppression. In the desert, the devil presented to him shortcuts to fulfill this zeal in him. And the Satanic proposals were meant to make Christ despise the leading of the Holy Spirit. Whoever you obey, you become subject to him or her.

When tempting Eve, the devil was pointing out that her chief appetite was to become like God. Adam had interracted with the natural environment until he forgot that he was supernatural. He was enamoured by his dominance of all animals and plants until he extinguished the holy thirst of wanting to be like his creator. He was actually just satisfied to be with Eve, owning and controlling her. His actions suggest that Adam was worshiping himself, captivated by how unique he himself was. Instead of saying, “An image of the eternal God, just like I am,” Adam, when beholding his wife for the first time, exclaimed, “Flesh of my flesh and bones of my bones!”

By not discerning he was like God, the first man was on his way to craziness. Eve, even if multiplied from her husband’s spirit, was his hope. This is why even after the fall, a woman’s womb, devoid of a man’s sperm, became the hope for all Adam’s children. Eve had the thirst of being like God. The only problem is that she never asked God to be like him. But as she was under the authority of a carnal husband, the fall was not entirely her fault. She was produced from the body of a man who was not obsessed by the image of God that he was. The drama at Eden was a foil to the beauty of the cross. The bride of Christ, divided from the body a Christ who completely obeyed Jehovah, has no excuses to be tricked by the wiles of Satan. And the second bride, who is a division of the perfect God, can only remain excellent if she is completely bathed in the triune nature of Jehovah.

The hologram not only shows that baptism into the Father, son and Holy Spirit is life, it also explains how we live by every word of God. A picture, even if 3D, is dead. A moving picture, which informs the name ‘movie’, is a result of a camera which takes pictures in the same way still photographs are taken; but a film camera takes images continuosly, millisecond after millisecond. Animation, as seen from cartoons. is the fluid development of a whole drawing, synchronizing its scripted movements with appropriate voices. This means life is like a continuos super fast hologram which the Trinity copies from heaven whilst imparting sounds on it. If anything manifests contrary to their will (script), Elohim has a right to dispose of the unpleasing image and sound. This explains hell.

Essentially, we must live asking God, “Do I look and sound like you desire?” Everything, including the sun and moon, was created for Jesus to recreate it according to the will of the Father. Christ is denoted as the Sun of rightousness. But he shines infinitely more brilliant than the sun. The moon is thus a faint promise of Christ’s oncoming nature. The moon is not the church but the law of God. Commandments remind people that the darkness of sin is not normal as night renders the world unsafe. You can’t work in darkness and assailants can easily attack you in the absence of light. The moon, which has phases, is meant to makes us appreciate the sun. The light during the day kicks away all darkness. Therefore, the full brilliant moon is a reflection of a church that completely exalts the necessity of the coming back of the Son of God.

The church that fulfils the law ladores Adonai with all she has. Only after she exposes the ugliness of being lawless, will the bride of Jesus be uplifted from the darkness of the flesh and be made one with him in his light, Before our wedding, we must outshine Anti Christ counterfeits of obeying God. This specifically concerns Islam, which employs the crescent as its symbol. The devil is not anti-religion. In fact, almost all religious people in the world are demonic. And Islam, which openly denounces the divinity of Christ whilst claiming to submit to God, is the perfect gate to hell. All laws are meant to lead us to the Holy trinity.

A full moon is the most brilliant light at night, accentuating the blessing of the day. But as the natural sun is not permanent, it does not faithfully represent the essence of the soon approaching Jehovah. Through the eastern sky, God is coming back on earth as the pervasive light of all time. The Lord is the ultimate perfect hologram; after subduing his enemies (who are dark forces), he will divide himself as paradise on earth. All colours and shapes in Christ will blast out of existence the current rigid — stubborn — reality we are trapped in. Stiff neckedness is the carnal perspective. Conversely, obedience and yielding is intrinsic in light (born again) beings. And even if he replicates beings with diverse personalities (colours), the spirit of Christ always produces the exact original. Jehovah is never ending uniqueness, which is holiness.

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October 26, 2013 · 2:04 pm

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