Knowing Him

God is eternal: He has always been who he is and will never stop being who he is. This is the gist of ‘I am that I am’. And “he” is hereby being used only because of the limits of human language, as God contains both the feminine and masculine traits. In fact, Jehovah, which is his right name — as ‘God’ is a European reference to pagan deities– is already in the future. Essentially, ‘Jehovah’ means ‘existence’, not just ‘self-existent one’. This is the reason, even if he is inside people who perpetually invite him into their spirits, Jehovah is also approaching us from the future, “delivering tomorrow after tomorrow after tomorrow to us”. The spirit of prophecy is the spirit of being certain of your destiny because it is being fashioned from the heart of a person who is in you, and who can feel, laugh, cry and read just like you do; yet this person in you, who is also in other people and wants to be in all people, has never been assembled by anyone—because he is perfect and has always been perfect and will always be perfect.

Thus our minds, which mostly concentrate on one thing at a time, are undeveloped copies of Jehovah’s mind. We mostly think in a linear manner, the reason an epitaph has the year of birth to the year of death of a name etched on it. However, the earth spins and revolves, showing us that when somebody takes his or her last breath, he or she is coming to a full cycle, coming back to an origin. This is why knowing God is a season after season process, the reason humble souls, even if they have a lot of knowledge and experience, admit not knowing even one per cent of reality.

When you humble yourself you will not only discern a worthy person but your own worth. If you discern your own worth, you understand that the flow of blood in your veins as a sign (word) of divine assignment. This grace, which we taste when we appreciate inventions from past generations whilst improving the same gifts of design from previous epochs, makes a human soul become human. Life is simply this: ‘learning the design and reinventing the design’. This is a perpetual process, which only the meek can undertake; inventing and reinventing is a service to humanity and all problems in the world are from people who are deluded that they live to just enjoy the sweetness of being alive at any cost. We inhale and exhale so as to serve a grand purpose before exiting the earth –returning to our origin –on our last breath — so as to be evaluated.

A sign is a word and ‘divinity’ is a flow of infinite signs from all dimensions. Essentially, the word of God, who is the son or perpetuation of God, means ‘sign of limitlessness’, and if you perpetually invite Jesus to flow as your blood, you will be able to do things which will make you wonder what the hell you are becoming.

A word is one interpretation (among many other interpretations) of a sign. The ultimate sign is a human being, the reason we feel as if life is centred around ourselves; yet the sign of signs is this Jesus (Jehovah who renews), who expresses himself as the patterns of salvaging in the ecosystem and in human inventions. If you sincerely search for truth, you will at least suspect that a mystery of recycling is behind all principles of life. This suspicion has been mislead to the invention of many theories of life, such as the ‘fittest survive’ mantra. But if your heart listens to its conscience, you will discover that Jesus(Jehovah who renews) is the true sign of vitality, who is the energy you live and move in (even when you ignore him — and this is why you should not ignore him).

Jesus, like oxygen, is unseen but existent: immanent. You discern him by the microscope of faith. And he is distinct in that he desired his enemies to become himself. All people (including spiritual ministers who are regarded as ‘most anointed’) were born with an enmity to Jesus. Everybody fronts as the grand solution to the world, thus aiming to replace (and thus dismiss) Jesus. And only after perpetually inviting Jesus to be your blood will you nod your head to the fact that Jesus is not just a word you utter when you knock yourself into something. And only then will you knock this truth into your head: all of your quips, all of your tricks, all of your patting of people’s back, all of your swag, all of your ‘ten rules about anything’ are just spicy manure you serve to the world.

Living is perpetual indulgence in a renewing essence: the taste or appearance of food is not as important as the nutrients that the food carries; and the frequency of taking nutritious food determines one’s health. This is the reason if tomorrow we downplay the immanence of Jesus, even after being able to do wonders in his name for decades, the records of our service, along with our lives, become nothing. Without continual devotion to making Jesus flow as your blood, you will only see Jesus as a word you utter when biting yourself, even if you once said ‘Jesus’ and someone was healed of ebola.

If you want to know a person is in Jesus and Jesus is in that person, he or she desires anyone to be full of the same power he or she has. This is what the ‘name of Jesus’ signifies. Don’t be fooled by religious appearances and gymnastics. Don’t be fooled by even anyone who says that they saw Jesus in a vision and talked to him – even if they truly saw Jesus in a vision and talked to him. The character of Christ, which is to transform any stranger to become himself, is the foundation of all life; the books of the Bible — such that all the nasty or frustrating events in the scripture written by ancient Jews, are a foil to this person who converted strangers into his clones.

Souls in Jesus are not only anointed to inspire the world to become one in practical empathy, but they can reinvent reality. They can command time, space and matter. This is because they want any normal person to have the best thing they possess — which is the anointing they have. Unimaginable power over the ecosystem is hidden to humanity because of this fact : because a human does not endeavour to make anyone gain ten times the treasure he owns, a human just wants to be better than anyone, satisfied with even being the best in the world by having the least misery in the world. Rarely will anyone wish for everyone to have ten times the money and family they have. Yet Jesus, who empathy with solutions, wants everyone to become like him. Therefore if we have him as our most treasured jewel, we would desire anyone to gain a hundred times the Jesus we have.

This is why most Christians just point three fingers at themselves when wagging one at non-Christians. Only God is perfect and we need to demand accountability in issues regarding the rule of law and order. Reasonable legality, as Paul underscores in the book of Romans, is godly, and it is only maintained in fair evaluation of human character by sober and impartial authorities. But apart from legal disputes, why do you judge others on moral matters before you do your own introspection? If your core character is to control people around, you fear the prospect of anyone becoming ten times the tyrant you are. If our essence is love, why wouldn’t we want anyone to have a thousand times the empathy we possess? What if you could possess excellent supernatural powers? Would you wish for anyone, even your enemies, to have twice the same empowerment?

The sinful mind thinks supernatural power is for self-glorification — which is the superman syndrome. Yet God’s omnipotence is ‘Omni-Serving’. To be fair, a person with a supernatural gift should not downplay its importance. Every day, new ‘experts of stuff they have no clue of,’ are ordained by their own egos, to sneer at the discipline needed to even utter one prophetic word. No one just relaxes then utters or performs mystical things before going back to his repose. Spiritual work is a result of sanctification and empathy, and if you see anyone doing something in the name of Jesus which you cannot do, sanity demands that you become curious as to the activity that person has been dedicating himself to. Walk to a hospital and do all the ‘faith’ you reckon you have; but if you have not been worked on by God until his working is in you, you will know what the sons of Sceva underwent through.

However, many Jesus workers have a warped sense of working for Jesus. They think that they are the show, advertising, with the extra ordinary gifts they have been gifted by Jesus, how they are the saviours of the world. Most Jesus meetings sow anti Jesus agendas. This is why Christians, Sunday service after Sunday service, merely gain hollow optimism about their lives but little or no gifts or relief from God. You can be optimistic all you want about your destiny but as long as you have a problem such as cancer, optimism will just give you a ridiculous death; the pains of many diseases which are ravaging the world need medication, such as marijuana, to manage them.

The world indulges in all manner of illegal, unethical and evil stuff so as to manage their pains, physical ones included. People become addicted to painkillers and even overdose on them because the pill or the weed or the bottle has become their real comforter – and thus real messiah. Mere words, yelled or chanted so as to look authoritative, cannot heal or change the world. The me-me-me show on a pulpit can excite people for minutes but eventually feeds them emptiness—as purpose and relief is only found in being like Jesus and being in Jesus. Tangible yet supernatural healing power (in electricity, potions, gases) of all emotional and physical pains you have will flow from Jesus to you if you continually and relentlessly pursue him.

“Nothing is gained in a lukewarm attitude towards anything,” many people pontificate, yet, as they just want to pat themselves on the back for the pathetic achievements they have achieved, they continue treating Jesus as just a word they utter when dropping something accidentally. This is why it is sad if you drop whilst you take your last breath if you never treated Jesus as the very air you breath. The evaluation of a soul returning to the spirit world without the renewing essence in Jesus is condemnation. Reality abhors staleness and the spirit world is more real and better managed than the physical earth we are passing through. Life, evident when you go to the toilet, expels any decomposing essence from itself, and that is what any soul without infinite renewing becomes when it is expelled from the body.

Pride leads to deadly falls, the reason Christians who think they are highly anointed become apostates after operating in the anointing of renewing reality in Jesus – as no flesh can glory in God’s presence. The Holy Spirit, who is one hundred per cent God even if he is now among all people, withdraws from any self-centred soul, allowing demons to operate in the soul he once filled. Knowing Jesus and being known by Jesus is the most important thing in life, more important than any miraculous ministry operated in the name of Jesus you can operate; This is evident in the parable of the judgment seat of Christ, where former ministers of the gospel are condemned,” I never knew you, depart from me you workers of iniquity – who did not discern me in unseemly strangers whilst pretending to heal the world in my name.” Working out your own salvation with fear and trembling is continually knowing who Jesus is and thus perpetually discovering and expelling ‘I am more relevant than Jesus’ delusions in you.

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May 31, 2016 · 5:11 pm

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